𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲|| Chapter 17

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After that day, I lost my hope.
Kokichi was fictional, he had one mission and he had to go disappear anyway one day.
But still, I felt empty.
I didn't know he had to leave.
I didn't want him to leave.
Since that day, I felt a hole in my stomach. Like, something was wrong. Something was not there anymore.
But still, I had to keep going in my life.
I got accepted in an University, so I had to buy books and started to study again.
Also, my parents were sad as well.
My mum was used to cook things, as Kokichi tried to sneak in the kitchen. But my mum always got him. It was so fun.
My dad was used to chat with Kokichi about everything: sport, general things and especially food. My dad hated Panta, as Kokichi tried to put it in everything.
Now both of them missed his presence too.
Since he left, also Kay was acting strange. He used to sleep with him, but now he kept sleeping on the same spot where they used to stay.
We all missed him.
I talked about them to my friends, and they thought I was crazy. But then, they believed me with some difficoulties.

Anyway during the summer, I used to stay at home all day. Not because I had nothing to do, just because I had to study, and also outside was really hot.
I just used to go out during the evening alone, or with my friends. Honestly, I even stayed at home because sometimes I felt still Kokichi's smell in there. It was so comfortable, and I loved it.
I didn't want it to disappear.

Sometimes I went back to that hill that we went that night, I liked to think that he could come back if he sees me there.
One evening I was there, laying down and looking up at the sky already full of stars.
It was 9.05 PM and I was not tired at all. I was slowly getting used to stay without Kokichi, but still I felt bad.
I wanted to feel his voice again, his stupid jokes, his strange laugh, his way to do.
While I was thinking again, i felt something on my face.
Water. Rain.
It was raining.
During summer?
Then I sat down under the tree, tryinh to do not get wet.
"Shit, I don't even have an umbrella" I thought, looking around. It started to rain more, and I couldn't move anymore.

Just then, I saw someone walking. I couldn't understand who was it, but they were walking without an umbrella as well. As they walked their figure was getting bigger, they were getting closer.
Then, I saw a miracle.
The person who was walking was a boy, with purple hair, with a white shirt and white pants too.
He was looking down while panting, he probably walked all the hill.
I couldn't help myself, I started to shake and then scream <<Kokichi!>>.
I screamed his name more and more, as he looked up in my direction. I stopped as his eyes met mine and I ran to him as faster as I can.
His eyes got bigger when he realized, and he ran into me.
I bumped in him, hugging him tightly and he did the same. Then we both fell on the grass, as the rain fell on us.
It felt like a dream having him near to me.
I looked at him and he did the same <<Oh God, you are here!>> I smiled a lot while kissing his face all over. He couldn't do anything just laughing <<I am back, baka-chan>>.
I didn't care if I was going to get sick, I just didn't want him to leave. Not again.
<<H-How?>> I asked looking at him.
He started to explain <<I came to life because my only mission was to make an human happy, then i had to came back to my original form. And you were my human. I tried my best to make you happy, and I did it. When I disappeared, something was wrong. My mission was not done. I didn't understand why. Then they sent me back there.>> he smiled.
I looked at him <<I was happy with you, not without. That's why your mission was not done>> .
He looked at me without saying anything, just holding my hand <<I am sorry if I haven't told you my intentions till the start.>>.
<<It's all right, Kichi.>> I said, stroking his hair. He just blushed a lot <<We should go back home, before we get sick.>>
I nodded, approving. And together we went back.

This time, during the rain, I didn't come back home alone.

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