Chapter 4

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"Thankyou so much Taehyung-shi..seriously if you wouldn't have been there..I might have lost my wallet so much!" Jimin said sincerely and bowed in gratitude. He was really grateful for Taehyung, he had almost given up when Taehyung caught the theif.

After catching the theif, they had called the police. They had to accompany the officers to the station to file a complaint and fill out some forms and information. Although Taehyung wasn't really required to go, he still decided to accompany Jimin. So, here they were now, outside the station after completing all the formalities.

"Please need to thank's my duty to protect the citizens of our country..I would have done that for anyone you don't have to be so grateful." Taehyung replied with a smile, feeling overwhelmed with Jimin's gratitude.

"I know Taehyung-shi that you helped me thinking it was your duty..but I still need to thank you let me do something for not refuse.." Jimin pleaded with puppy eyes and a pout.

And who was Taehyung to deny Jimin. Even the gods and the demons won't be able to ignore Jimin's pout and puppy eyes, so who was he, a mere human to refuse to Jimin's request, so he reluctantly gave a small nod and watched Jimin's face light up brighter than any star.

"Would you like to have some cake?"

After Jimin asked him if he wanted some cake, Taehyung immediately agreed because denying cake is a sin and Kim Taehyung is not a sinner.

Currently he was sitting in Jimin's cafe waiting for him to bring out chocolate cake slices for both of them. Whe the owner insisted on going to his cafe, Taehyung was worried that it would be too much work as Jimin would have to open the cafe again just for him, but Jimin told him repeatedly that he was fine with it, so Taehyung agreed.

A minute later, Jimin appeared from the kitchen with two slices of cake. He put them on the table and sat infront of Taehyung.

"Here..try it and tell me how is it?" Although many had tasted his cake before, he was still nervous to know about Taehyung's opinion, and he didn't know why.

Taehyung eagerly took a bite and moaned in satisfaction. "Jimin-shi..believe me..this is the best cake I've ever had! It's literally perfect!"

Jimin laughed lightly. "Thankyou so much Taehyung-shi..I'm glad you liked it."

They ate in silence for a few seconds before Taehyung started asking Jimin questions about himself, sometimes telling him about himself and slowly the conversation went on. They didn't even realise that it had almost been an hour since they were chatting. The cake long gone but the smiles on their faces were still there.

Taehyung even dared to entertain a thought that this felt like a date, but he tried to dismiss it because Jimin wasn't interested in him. He had lied to him..right now he was just being kind..he was just repaying a favour..nothing more. But that thought didn't leave him. He got curious..wanting to know the reason Jimin lied to him and eventually he gave into his curiosity and decided to ask Jimin.

" said that you were very grateful to me and wanted to repay me..but..aren't you taking an easy way by offering me just a slice of cake?" Taehyung asked teasingly.

But Jimin didn't notice the teasing tone and became serious. "'re right Taehyung-shi! So stupid of me! Do you want another slice? Or something else? Or not food but anything else? Just tell me, I'll do i-" Jimin's rambling was interrupted by Taehyung.

"Jimin-shi calm down! I was just messing with you!" He said with a small laugh and Jimin sighed in relief that he didn't actually make Taehyung upset by his thoughlessness.

Before he could reply though, Taehyung continued. "Though if you really are willing to do something else for me..then..can you answer my one question truthfully?" He asked cautiously.

Jimin was skeptical. He had an idea where this was going but agreed nonetheless with a nod. He could sense that Taehyung was being cautious, probably didn't want to make Jimin uncomfortable and the thought made him smile slightly.

After a few seconds of thinking thoroughly, he asked Jimin. "Why..did you lie to me? Why didn't you want to go on a date with me? It's okay if you are uncomfortable or just don't want to answer, I'll not force you..I'll understand's just that..I really liked you after seeing your were the first one I really looked at after a long time and felt a strange connection so when you refused I felt disappointed and kind of hurt when I discovered that you lied to me...I just want to know the truth but if it's too much you don't have to reply to me..I'll forget about it.."

Jimin looked at Taehyung's face for a few seconds, he looked so small and insecure..unsure of himself. After talking with him for an hour, Jimin had realised than Taehyung was a 'larger than life' kind of a person and seeing this look on his face made his heart hurt. He looked like a person who had been let down in the past a lot, who possibly had been betrayed before and had possibly closed his heart to others..but Jimin had probably evoked some emotions in his heart and his rejection might have made him a bit more insecure, that it was his fault..that he didn't deserve someone's love and that thought alone was enough for Jimin to make a decision.

" you have a car?"

Taehyung was confused..why did Jimin want to know if he had a car? But he answered nonetheless. "Um..yes I have a car.."

Hearing his response Jimin asked another question. "Are you free tomorrow morning..around 10 am?"
Taehyung though for a bit then replied, "Yes..I think.."

"Then pick me up from here tomorrow morning at 10...we have a place to go to..I'll give you your answer there."


Author - Can you guess, where are they going?
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