Chapter 10

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Jimin groaned loudly when he heard his phone ring for the second time. Although he didn't open his eyes, he was pretty sure that it wasn't time for him to wake up yet.

Which means it was still very early in the morning. Probably even before sunrise and he couldn't understand who wanted to talk to him this early in the morning. Who liked him this much or hated him this much?

When the phone refused to stop ringing, he finally got up furiously and grabbed the phone, absolutely burning with anger but cooled down just as fast when he saw the contact name.

He cleared his throat a little before picking up.

"Hello?" His voice was still hoarse. Clearing his throat did not help.

"Hey Jimin-ah."

"Why are you calling me this early? Is everything alright Taehyung-ah?" Jimin asked, worried.

"No actually...can you come down right now? I'm standing outside your apartment." Taehyung's asked hesitantly.

"What? Okay...I'll be down in a minute!" Jimin said hurriedly and cut down the phone.

He got up, grabbed a jacket, his phone and keys and went down the stairs fast after locking his apartment. He didn't care about anything else. The only thing on his mind was Taehyung, whose voice sounded so small over the phone.

When Taehyung saw Jimin rushing towards him, his heart skipped a beat. Jimin usually looked so ethereal but this Jimin, with bed hair and soft and puffy face, skin a beautiful peachy tone that even the bright yellow glare of street lights couldn't hide.

He was beautiful and Taehyung wishes he could be lucky enough to see Jimin like this a lot more in future.

When Jimin reached Taehyung, his limbs worked faster than his brain could comprehend and before he knew it, he was throwing his arms around Taehyung's neck and hugging him tightly.

Even Taehyung was surprised but that didn't stop him from holding Jimin's waist and reciprocating the hug.

"Are you alright? What happened? You got me so worried! Please tell me everything is alright!"

Jimin rambled as soon as he pulled away from the hug, which lasted for a few seconds.

Taehyung stroked the shorter's arms in reassurance and replied calmly.

"I'm fine...but..can we go talk somewhere else?"

"Wh- okay."

Jimin had questions but he held his tongue and allowed Taehyung to lead him inside the car.

He sat in the passenger seat patiently as Taehyung started the car. The drive lasted not more than fifteen minutes. When Jimin got out of the car, he looked around in confusion.

They were at a walking path along the Han river. He looked at Taehyung to see the other man simply holding out his hand with a small smile. Jimin didn't hesitate at all before putting his hand in Taehyung's hand with a reassuring smile.

They started to qalk along the path, holding hands, huddled together in the slightly chilly morning air.

The atmosphere was very peacefull, with only two or three people around and the soothing sound of the gently flowing river gave them both a strange sense of calmness.

They walked quietly for a while. But at one point Taehyung suddenly stopped walking. When Jimin looked at him with his eyebrows slightly raised in question, the other simply turned him around by his shoulders to face the river.

And the scene he saw infront of him was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realise that the first streak of light had broken the barrier of dark clouds to fall upon them.

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