Chapter 17

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Love this song <<<


About thirty seconds later a middle-aged woman opens the door. She beams when she see Austin.

"Austin! It's so great to see you again! What brings you by?" She says, giving him a hug.

"Kathleen, just the woman I wanted to see." Austin says.


"Did you, now?" She asks Austin. He nods and she turns to me. "And who might this be?" She asks to no one in particular.

I step forward, because I was slightly behind Austin, and stick out my hand. "Hi, I'm Malia. It's nice to meet you." I say politely. I hate being like this. I feel so stiff. This is not how I usually am but this is a new person and I need to make a good impression of I really want some answers out of her. I want my grandma back.

"Likewise. My name is Kathleen." She says and ignores my hand that is still sticking awkwardly out in the air and pulls me into a hug. She pulls away and looks at Austin. "Mate?" She asks him.

He nods and slings an arm around my waist. "Yep!" He says popping the 'p'.

It turns out, I was acting all stiff and polite for nothing. Kathleen is exactly like me. She does what she wants and she doesn't take shit from anyone. We ended up having a lot in common. We became pretty good friends and we exchanged numbers. Even though she might be at least a little less than ten years older than me she's still an awesome person.

I had told her about how Austin and I met and she hit him in the face and said and I quote, "You don't treat a lady like that you douchbag!" But along with 'douchbag' she also used a lot of other colorful words and a lot more violence which I laughed at. Gosh this woman knows how to lighten the mood and take things off your mind.

"So what are you?" Kathleen asks me randomly. I give her a confused look. She seems to understand because she keeps talking before I have the chance. "I mean, what are you, I know you're not a werewolf. So what are you? Vampire? Fairy? Witch? Werecat?" She asks me and my eyes go wide and my jaw is probably sitting on the floor right about now.

Fairies? Werecats? What the hell is a Werecat? My head immediately snaps over to a nervous looking Austin.

"What?" I snap at him.

He laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head. "Um... Yeah. I kind of... uh... forgot about that... little detail. There are a few more um... supernaturals in this world." He stutters out.

"Little detail?" I ask him and he nods his head. I sigh, "You know what? We'll talk about this later." I tell him.

He nods his head again frantically and I look back at Kathleen to be greeted by looking like she could explode from laughter any time now. I start laughing at her face which makes her finally burst and start laughing her ass off with me. Wow, I didn't even realize how much I needed to just laugh to get all of this stress off my shoulders.

Austin just sits there looking very unamused and slightly irritated.

"Go ahead. Laugh it up." He sighs while putting his head in the palm of his hand, waiting for us to sober up from our laughing and get back to the serious talk.

"Ok, so back to what we were speaking about before that very funny thing that I will not speak of because I'm afraid we might have a repeat of what just occured if I do." Kathleen says slightly out of breath while wiping a stray tear from our previous laughing fit.

I almost laugh at how she was out of breath but I don't want to start another laugh attack for us all so I just smile and hope I don't look like a complete idiot, just smiling.

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