Chapter 2

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Night two of being a father was surprisingly harder than the first. After hour three of her screaming bloody murder, he was at a loss for what to do. It hurt him that he didn't know what she wanted. What she needed to be happy and the longer she cried, the more useless he felt.

"What do you need dulzura?" He pleaded, tears streaming down his own cheeks as he rocked her in his arms "You're fed, changed... All I got to offer now is whiskey and cigarettes and I know those aren't the right choices." He groaned as he pulled her close to him.

A knock at his door pulled his attention away from the screaming a moment and he wondered if it was Steve coming to relieve him. He needed help. That much was clear.

He was surprised, instead, to find you standing there with an expression that he, at this moment in time, found impossible to read.

"I know she's being loud." He groaned, immediately assuming you'd come to complain "I'm trying my best here but I've kinda been thrown in the deep end"

"Hey, I get it." You said, holding your hands "I was a mum once too remember?"

"Right." Javier groaned "Of course... sorry. It's just, she's been crying for like three hours and I don't know what's wrong and I hate it... I fucking hate that I can't make my own daughter happy." He sobbed and you instantly jumped into action.

"Whoa... Slow down, Cowboy." You said as you stepped into his apartment and closed the door behind you "I can help okay? You're new at this... that's all."

Javier nodded, leading you into his apartment that was now full of items you'd never expected to see in this man's home. There were toys everywhere, along with things she wasn't going to need for a while yet. It was clear he'd panic bought everything he could think of.

"Here, give her to me." You said as you held your arms out to receive her "You smell like pee. Go change."

"Yeah." He sighed defeatedly "That's a funny story really... who knew baby girls could pee upwards." He said as he threw his arms up "I certainly didn't."

You chuckled at that which brought a smile to his face for the first time in hours. You motioned at him again before carrying the screaming infant in your arms over to the changing table, grabbing a blanket on your way. Javier in the meantime had managed to get himself changed into a t-shirt and sweats before joining you again... where he was greeted, by silence.

"What did you do?" He asked, eyes wide as he saw María sleeping soundly in your arms.

"Swaddled her." You replied "Worked every time with Masie. Babies like to feel restricted... Lord knows why."

"You gotta show me how to do that." He pleaded and you chuckled "I am barely treading water here. She was dropped on my doorstep two days ago with nothing but a bag and a letter. Nothing telling me when she needs feeding or anything."

"They just left here there?" You gasped, looking down at her peaceful face and feeling a twinge of anger.

"There was a letter from her mum." He started as he took a few steps towards you "She was... sort of a one night stand from last year." He confessed, embarrassment filling his features "Obviously she got pregnant and when learning she was sick, asked her mum to leave the baby with me. According to the letter from her mother, she only died a few days ago."

"But to just leave her there." You grumbled, pondering his words a moment before getting irritated again "And to not tell you she was pregnant! If she hadn't had gotten sick, you'd probably never have known about her!" You finished as you motioned at María.

"Well, she's okay." He said reassuringly as he held out his arms to you "And she's with me now." He started and you nodded "Just wish I had a clue what I was doing."

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