Chapter 5

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You sat there and watched Javier as he slept soundly, the painkillers doing their job. María was sucking eagerly at her sippy cup in your arms, not a care in the world or an understanding of how just a few weeks prior, she'd almost lost her Papi. You still weren't able to wipe it from your memory and you weren't sure you ever would but as you sat in that chair and you watched the agent sleep you knew you had to do better by him.

By her.


3 weeks ago...

You'd been sitting vigil at Javier's side for hours.

Connie and Steve had gone home a few hours ago to relieve Claire and you'd said you would stay with him. You had called Jason beforehand to let him know you wouldn't be home and then you'd taken your place at the agent's side. Held his hand and silently prayed for him to pull through.

The doctor had come by, explained his injuries and how severe they were. He'd lost a massive amount of blood, was lucky to even make it to the hospital. He'd told you it had taken numerous blood transfusions to stabilise the agent and that the damage to the artery have been severe, he was lucky he'd lived this long.

You were sipping a coffee that one of the nurses had kindly brought you when it had happened. Alarms had started to blare and the room had filled with bodies, your own being pushed to one side.

You managed to catch bits of Spanish here and there.  You caught 'crashing' and 'we're losing him' and your knees gave out from underneath you. You watched from where you were curled up on the floor as they shocked him and pumped air into him, silent tears streaming down your face.

"Él está de vuelta." (He's back.) A nurse stated as another hooked his breathing tube back up and you allowed yourself to cry openly as two hands guided you back to your chair.


A knock at Javier's door tore your attention away from the agent and you carefully stood from your chair and went to answer it, sighing when Jason was revealed to you.

"What are you doing here?" You grumbled, rolling your eyes when he pushed past you "Jason?"

"I came by to see you." He replied as he placed a few food items on Javier's table "I haven't seen you in a few days so thought we could have dinner together."

"I've been taking care of Javier, Jason, you know that."

"Yeah well... You have a boyfriend that needs you too." He growled and you took a step back in shock at his statement.

'Sorry you feel like I've neglected you but Javi's not able to do anything for himself right now so he needs me." You argued, "And so does María."

"So what?..." He starts as he paused his task of unpacking the bag "I'm just supposed to sit in the apartment across the hall and wait for him to get better?"

"No... That's not what I'm saying..."

"But it's what you're implying." He snapped "You know... People have been talking."


"About how you're clearly cheating on me." He started, his tone taking on an accusing edge "That you're here, screwing his brains out whilst I sit there and wait for him to ditch you so that you'll come running back to me."

"You don't believe that do you?" You practically squeaked and Jason shrugged.

"I don't know what goes on behind closed doors." He stated and you gasped at his reply.

"So you don't trust me."

It wasn't a question.

"Of course I do." He piped up, his eyes panicky as he stepped towards you "I just think perhaps, to save your dignity, someone else should take care of Javier from now on."

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