Chapter 3

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Javier didn't sleep a wink that night. Every hour he would check on María, whether it was her fever or just to see how she was sleeping.

Never, before that night, had he felt fear like he'd experienced till he witnessed his baby having a fit. It was something he'd never expected in a million years he'd ever have to go through and something he'd never forget.

He never thought he'd be a father but now he couldn't imagine not being one.

The following day, he granted a day off of work to care for María, which meant a day alone with his thoughts, and his thoughts were only of you. He was confused about what it was he felt for you. It wasn't the lust he was used to. It was something deeper, more meaningful and it scared him to very his core because Javier Peña didn't feel things like this. He was the Bogota Bachelor.

But he was also a father now.

He wondered if it were possible to change overnight. To suddenly want more out of life than a quick fuck, glass of whisky and a cigarette. He knew there was now. She was staring up at him as he fed her her afternoon bottle. His perfect daughter he may have never known. That thought in itself was enough to make him queazy.

His afternoon was spent on the floor as María rolled around on her playmat, screeching and giggling as Javi smothered her small face with teddy kisses. Then came nap time and with that, more thoughts and feelings. Should he ask you on a date? Would you even want to go on a date with him?

"Perhaps I should stick to being friends for the time being." He said to himself as he finished washing María's bottles.

Evening came around and Javier decided he needed to do something. The thoughts of you were driving him crazy so he hatched a plan. Picking up the phone he dialled your number and waited for you to answer, eyes glued to his daughter as it rang.

"Hello?" Came a voice from the other end and Javier froze a moment.

"Hi." He managed to say, internally scornings his weak greeting.

"Javier... Everything okay?" You asked, tone a little concerned.

"Everything's fine... I um... Well, I wondered if perhaps you wanted to come over for dinner?" He asked, unable to mask his nerves "You know... As a thank you for everything you did for me last night."

"You don't need to do that Javier." You said and he sighed "It's what any human with a heart would have done."

"But I want to." He protested and you sighed "Please. I was going to cook enchiladas."

"Javier Peña can cook... Who knew?" He chuckled at that "Sure okay."

"Great." He said excitedly which grabbed María's attention "Say seven?" He asked, giving his daughter a thumbs up which made her squeal with glee.

"See you then."

"See you then." He repeated, putting down the phone with a large smile on his face.

Sure enough, bang on seven you were at the door. Nervously shifting from one foot to the other before the door opened to reveal a beaming Peña and an excitable María.

"Well someone's feeling a lot better." You said as you gave her a little wave.

"Do you mind grabbing her?" He asked as he practically shover her into your arms "Food needs to come out."

You followed him into the kitchen where the table was set, a bottle of red sat proudly in the centre. You were a little shocked by the effort he'd taken and a small part of you fluttered at the thought that Javier Peña was cooking for you.

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