Chapter 8

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Jason was out by the following evening. All traces of him living there were erased from the apartment and finally, you felt like you were free. The more you pondered your relationship with him, the more you started to see his true colours.

How he'd talked you down. Knowing that you'd believe him and chose him over what you truly wanted.

Who you truly wanted.

Things with Javier were so much different. He never stopped telling you how perfect you were or how he loved you. Vowing to spend as long as you would give him, proving to you how he adored you.

His father had welcomed you to the family with open arms and María had also shown her own acceptance of you in her sweet little way. One week on, things were pure bliss. Javier had behaved himself and rested his leg as he was instructed. Loving having you around to help him with things and soon Chucho felt like he was of no use anymore. So the two of you decided to have a large dinner to say goodbye to the older Peńa, inviting the Murhpy who had grown close to the older man.

"Something smells delicious." Javier complimented as he limped over to you, appreciating the stick that Steve had bought him as a joke.

"You father keyed me into a few of your favourites that he made for you back in Texas... Tonight, slow-cooked chicken with brown rice and avocados."

"Mmmm... You're too good to me Hermosa." He purred against the shell of your ear and you shivered.

"You should be sitting Agent Peña." You warned and he chuckled.

"I've got my stick." He argued and you snorted at his reply.

"Okay old man." You teased, elbowing him affectionately as you gave him a wink.

"Oh... you wound me." He said as he threw his hand over his heart and plastered on his best hurt expression.

"You know I'm teasing." You said as you stuck your tongue out at him playfully "You're definitely not old where it counts."

"You have no idea." He growled before burying his head in the juncture of your neck and biting you just where you liked it.

"You do that and dinner won't get finished." You warned and he chuckled.

"I just wish I could take you how I want." He groaned as you turned to face him and kissed him deeply.

"All in good time, mi amor." You replied, pecking his lips before you smiled at him sweetly "You need to heal."

"Sick of needing to heal." He grumbled and you smirked at his childlike response.

"I know, baby, but you were shot! It's not something you can just walk off." You said softly "Excuse the pun." You chuckled "You're doing so much better. Just keep resting it up and you'll be bending me over the counter in no time." You finished with a wink and Javier groaned.

"You can't say things like that to me Hermosa." He growled as his eyes went black "I'll take you here and now, leg be damned."

"Nuh-uh." You said, waving your finger at him "Now go sit down." You finished as you pointed at the couch.

The agent did as you were asked and you resumed what you were doing, humming a happy tune as you started the rice and checked on the chicken. Chucho emerged with María a short while later and she screeched in excitement as Javier held his arms out to receive her.

"Ahhhh... Someone's perky after their nap." He gushed as his father placed her on his lap and she grinned at him before grabbing his cheeks so she could place a sloppy kiss on his lips "Why thank you Mija."

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