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"I'm so glad you all decided to come here," Polnareff's father smiled, walking into the kitchen with Polnareff, carrying wicker baskets of fresh vegetables from the gardens.

"I wouldn't miss it!" Polnareff exclaimed.

"Cerise my dear, put down the book and come help us with dinner."

"It's ok Baron, I can help," Jotaro sighed.

"There's no need, Jotaro. I'm not going to miss my book that much," Cerise explained, marking her place in the book.

"Alright," Jotaro shrugged, looking at Cerise quizzically before leaning back into his chair, his hat covering his face.

"Could I h-help too?" Kakyoin asked, sauntering into the kitchen.

"Of course! Papa, why don't you go sit down in the living room and talk with Monsieur Avdol. He's the only one you haven't talked all that much with," Cerise suggested.

"I would love that! He seems like an interesting man," Baron replied, walking out of the kitchen.

"What would you like me to do?" Kakyoin asked.

"If you could mix the spices and beef together to make meatballs that would be parfaite!" (perfect!) Cerise exclaimed happily as she began to wash the vegetables, handing the clean ones to Polnareff who began to slice them apart.

"Damn, I'll be right back, I need to use the washroom," Kakyoin said, noticing the time on his watch that was laying on the counter beside the bowl of unformed meatballs.

He washed off his hands and left the room, leaving only Polnareff and Cerise as Jotaro had left a few minutes earlier.

Polnareff was haphazardly cutting the vegetable as Cerise kept a close eye on him.

"Jean, watch out you'll cut your finger," Cerise instructed.

"I'm fine- Sh*t!" Polnareff cursed as he set down the kitchen knife, holding his hand tightly.

"I told you!" Cerise exclaimed.

"What in the f*cking hell is going on?" Jotaro asked lazily as he walked back into the kitchen.

"Jean cut his finger like an imbécile (moron) after I told him to be careful!" Cerise groaned as she grabbed the first aid kit from one of the kitchen cupboards and sat Polnareff down forcefully on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Now sit still," Cerise said, grabbing a bandage and squeezing a drop of polysporin onto the sterile pad to cover the fine cut.

"No!" Polnareff exclaimed, trying to wiggle away before Jotaro grabbed his arms, holding him to the chair.

"Calm down sh*thead, it's just medicine," Jotaro grumbled, ignoring Polnareff's cries as Cerise plastered the bandage on his finger.

"Good grief.... See you big baby, it wasn't that bad," Jotaro said.

"Thank you Jotaro," Cerise said with a small chuckle.

"No problem," Jotaro said, the smallest smirk crossing his face as Kakyoin returned.

"What happened?" Kakyoin asked with a nervous chuckle.

"This cry baby accidentally cut his finger, mind helping me cut the rest of the vegetables?" Cerise asked Kakyoin as Jotaro pulled Polnareff off of the chair and into the living room.

"Seeing as I wouldn't have a choice if I wanted to say no, I would be more than happy to help!"


"Cerise, let me help you with that," Baron said, grabbing the serving spoon from Cerise and she tried to scoop some spaghetti onto her plate.

"It's alright papa, but thank you," she said, sitting back down in her chair beside Kakyoin.

The group began to eat the spaghetti and meatballs while Kakyoin decided to strike up a conversation with the raven haired woman beside him.

"So uh.... Weather right?" He chuckled nervously, cursing himself in his mind.

"Yeah, it was uh... really warm today," Cerise replied with an awkward smile.

"I know right! I was sweating a lot and-" Kakyoin paused at the uncomfortable silence that filled the room, looking around the table at the men staring at him, Polnareff in the middle of scarfing down a meatball before it fell off of his fork and landed on the table with an audible splat as Cerise's face became covered in a dark blush.

But then Cerise broke the silence with a small giggle.

"Same, but that's why I wear a lot of skirts and loose tops, it can get pretty warm here," Cerise replied politely.

"Exactly! These guys always make fun of my clothing choices but I just wear this whole getup because of how warm it can get!" Polnareff exclaimed, gathering chuckles from the table as they continued to eat.

Later that night, each guest was shown to a room they could stay in during their visit.

Kakyoin lay awake in his bed being enveloped by the comfortable darkness that only seemed to suffocate him as he thought to himself.

Across the hall, Cerise twirled around her room, brushing her hair as she happily hummed a song, a nightly thing for her.

As she was guiltlessly carrying out her routine, Kakyoin felt like he was drowning in a sea of guilt.

He felt like he had embarrassed her during dinner with his awkward musings, which eventually led to the following actions.

Kakyoin hesitantly knocked on the heavy oak door with a sign reading "Cerise" on it.

"Who is it?" Cerise called, making Kakyoin's mind cloudy with happiness.

"I-it's Kakyoin," he called back.

"Oh!" Cerise said happily as she opened the door, flooding the hallway with a warm and comforting light, her black curls cascading down her back.

Parallel to Kakyoin's purple striped pajamas, Cerise wore a plain white nightgown that stopped at her ankles.

"I-I just wanted to apologize," Kakyoin said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Apologize for what? You've done nothing wrong," Cerise replied.

"But at dinner, you turned bright red. I thought I embarrassed you..."

"I did? Well you didn't embarrass me. I missed having conversations that weren't 'ladylike'. I got to have a real conversation about how I felt! And I was great," Cerise chuckled, "I should be saying thank you."


"Thank you Kakyoin," Cerise said, pecking him on the cheek, "goodnight!"

And with that, she shut her bedroom door, leaving Kakyoin in the now dark hallway with a soft smile on his face and Cerise with butterflies in her stomach and questions in her mind.

Emerald Angel (Kakyoin X OC Anniversary rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now