Cherry Boy

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"This is my secret reading spot," Cerise smiled as she led Kakyoin into the large iron structure.

"It's not that secret considering how big it is," Kakyoin chuckled.

"When you get lost in a book, it feels like the whole world disappears around you, that's why it's secret to me," Cerise replied, laying in the grass on her back and opening the book she brought with her, "lay down!" she said, patting the spot behind her head, making Kakyoin lay down on his back as well, his head beside hers, but their bodies laying opposite the one another.

"Let's see, chapter one, once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book called true stories from nature...."


"And the grown-up would be greatly pleased to have met such a sensible man," Cerise read, "that's the end of chapter one!"

"Which book is that?" Kakyoin asked, turning towards Cerise.

"The little prince, it's one of my favorites!" Cerise exclaimed.

"No way! Mine too!" Kakyoin replied.

"Really?" Cerise asked.

"No, not really. This is the first time I've ever heard it. I just wanted to say what you wanted to hear," Kakyoin replied, making Cerise burst into laughter.

"That's not what I wanted to hear Kakyoin, I would rather you have said you have never read it. I love reading people books they've never heard before," Cerise smiled.

Her smile made Kakyoin's heart flutter ever so slightly.

"Could you read more?"

"Of course."


"If you please.. Draw me a sheep!" Cerise read, "What? Draw me a sheep!"

Kakyoin chuckled.

"What?" Cerise asked, laughing a bit herself.

"It's nothing, I just like listening to you read," Kakyoin smiled.

"Alright," Cerise sighed before continuing, "I jumped to my feet, completely thunderstruck..."


Cerise read a chapter to Kakyoin one day as he ate a small bowl of cherries, giggling at his unusual way of eating the fruit.

"What?" he asked, pausing for a moment.

"It's amusing how you eat cherries," Cerise admitted.

"Well they're my favorite fruit, I have to keep the fruit entertaining somehow," he joked.

"Well then, I'll call you cherry boy, since they're your favorite and all," Cerise giggled.

"I think I'd like that," Kakyoin replied, chuckling.


"Jean! I have a question!" Cerise exclaimed, running to catch up with her older brother in the garden, panting as she caught up to him, "just.... Give me a second..... How do you walk so fast?"

"Sorry, what did you want to ask me?" Polnareff asked.

"Have... have you ever been in love?"

Polnareff paused.

"Yes, but only once," Polnareff explained.

"But from what I heard about your travels, you met a woman everywhere you went!" Cerise exclaimed.

"That was me goofing around, there was one time where I was actually in love, but I never saw her again."

"Can you tell me about her?" Cerise asked.

Polnareff pointed to one of his ears that was missing an earring.

"She has the other one. I met her in Egypt which was the last destination on our trip. She was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. If they saw how I looked at her, I would be named an infatuated fool."

"So how did she get the earring?" Cerise asked.

"I dropped it. She quite literally has the other half of my heart," Polnareff replied.

"Jean, you need to go after her!" Cerise exclaimed.

"She's all the way in Egypt, it would take forever for me to find her."

"Do it anyway! You have nothing to lose!"

"I guess you're right. When we leave next week, I'll go back with Avdol and see if he can help me find her," Polnareff explained, "now are you going to tell me why you asked if I've ever been in love?"

"Oh, well... I don't really know what that emotion feels like," Cerise chuckled awkwardly, "romantically I mean. I love you and papa, but that's different. So what does love feel like?"

"Well, it can present itself in lots of ways. The most notorious one is butterflies," Polnareff explained.

"Butterflies?" Cerise asked.

"It's like a nervous churning in your stomach but happy and nervous. When you really love someone, you get butterflies in your stomach," Polnareff replied.

"That's beautiful. Thank you Jean, that helps me a lot," Cerise smiled before rushing away, her brother chuckling at her happiness.


"Kakyoin!" Cerise exclaimed, stopping the redheaded man.

"Hey Cerise! What's going on?" Kakyoin asked.

"I don't want you to leave France," Cerise admitted.

Kakyoin looked at her with an unidentifiable expression before smiling.

"I don't want to leave either..."

The days that passed as Kakyoin carried out his plan to stay in France seemed to blend together, reading with Cerise, laughing with her, falling into her eyes, it all seemed to revolve around her. But Kakyoin tried to deny it, keeping his focus on attending art school in France.

Then came the day where the other three men would return back to their homes.

"Make sure to find her," Cerise instructed as she hugged her brother goodbye.

"I will, don't worry," Polnareff smiled, hugging her back.

"Remember to write to us!" Cerise exclaimed as Polnareff and Avdol got on their plane.

"I will!" Polnareff called back before disappearing into the plane.

And with that, the family and Kakyoin would await further news for the next few months.

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