Lincoln (short)

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Heavy and excited knocking rang throughout the old cottage, Cerise running to open the door.

On the other side she was greeted by Malena, Jean-Pierre, and in a baby carrier hanging from Polnareff's arm was a small baby. The carrier created a dent in Polnareff's very brightly colored sweater, knitted with bright pinks, yellows, and greens.

"You're here!" Cerise exclaimed, jumping into her family's arms before she let them inside.

"Yes we're finally here," Malena giggled with a bright smile.

"I'm so happy to see you all!" Cerise said as Malena and Polnareff sat on the couch, unbuckling their son from the car seat, and laying him in Malena's arms.

"We're happy to see you too," Polnareff chuckled, "Oh no."

"Oh yes Jean-Pierre," said Cerise as she sat on the other couch with Kakyoin holding a book full of embarrassing baby photos as Lincoln began to fuss.

"You should've expected it Jean, you know how your sister and Kakyoin are, they stop at nothing to embarrass you," chuckled Malena while trying to calm Lincoln, eventually winning the battle between mother and son.

"I'll trade the book for the child," said Cerise, staring Jean straight in the eyes.

"Works for me, hand over the book and I'll give you Lincoln," said Malena from the couch

"That was easy." replied Kakyoin as Malena handed Lincoln to Cerise and grabbed the photobook and started flipping through the pages.

"Really Jean? A bubble mohawk?" she said, stifling a small laugh while commenting on one of the photos.

"That would be the work of my mother," he sighed.

"It's ok, I think it's cute," she said, leaving him visibly flustered.

"Geez you and Lincoln look so much alike other than his hair color! If he was blonde you two could be identical!" exclaimed Malena to Polnareff as she showed him some of the photos.

The couple then looked up from the book to see Kakyoin, Cerise, and Lincoln on the couch.

Cerise rested against Kakyoin's side, holding Lincoln in her lap with adoration on her face and feigned adoration on Kakyoin's face.

"Nori, isn't he just adorable?" Cerise said with a twinkling smile.

"...yes?" Kakyoin replied with hesitation.

"Kakyoin," Polnareff said sharply, "I want to talk to you."

Kakyoin nodded, standing from the couch and following Polnareff into the kitchen, where the two stood across from each other.

Polnareff leaned on the counter, arms crossed over his chest as Kakyoin stood against the counter.

"Kakyoin, are you ok?" Polnareff asked.

"I'm fine."

"That's my son, I helped make him and I think he's adorable, so why are you hesitant?"

"Do you remember that one stand we fought on our way to Egypt? The little boy, Death 13..." Kakyoin mumbled.

"No, that was a baby Kakyoin, he was harmless," Polnareff said.

"No, he tried to kill me. In my dreams..."

"Kakyoin, you have something going on. Ever since that you were on edge around kids. If I know my family, Cerise will want to have kids, especially with you. She loves you. So whatever you have against kids, you need to put it aside or make it clear to my little sister. And stop acting like my son is a monster," Polnareff chuckled, giving a hearty slap to Kakyoin's shoulder.

"Thanks..." Kakyoin mumbled.


Cerise hummed to herself contently as she wrapped her robe around her waist, her hair braided and hanging down her back.

"Good evening my love," Cerise said entering her bedroom and climbing into the bed beside Kakyoin.

"Good evening," Kakyoin replied, pressing a gentle kiss to Cerise's forehead.

"I was wondering, when we're married," Cerise began, "would you want to have a family?"

Kakyoin was silent.

"Nori?" Cerise asked, hopefulness lacing her voice.

"....there was something that happened a while ago that made children put me on edge, but with you I would do anything, I would put my fears aside to give you whatever you want," Kakyoin said softly.

"I don't deserve you," Cerise said with a smile.

"I'm forever yours and you completely deserve my love," Kakyoin chuckled.

Cerise smiled, her heart full of love for the man in front of her.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Emerald Angel (Kakyoin X OC Anniversary rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now