just like the movie

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if u haven't seen the new scream, this does not have any spoilers so don't worry !! but i recommend watching it cuz it's so fucking good

billie; sub
y/n; dom


i'm home alone with shark, baking my favorite vegan cookies with ariana's angelic tone vocalizing softly throughout the house.

it's about 9pm and y/n was supposed to be here like 30 minutes ago. i'm a little worried because she usually tells me ahead of time if she's gonna be running late.

i put the cookies in the oven and set the timer for 15 minutes. as i'm putting the dirty dishes and utensils in the sink, my phone rings— cutting off the music.

i grab my phone from its face-down position on the marble counter,

"unknown caller ID... yeah, no thanks." i giggle with a scoff.

i decline the call as music sounds through my house once again. turning around to continue cleaning up, the default iphone ringtone fills my ears.

groaning, i pick my phone up— answering this time,

"alright fucker, prank calls went out in like 2017. grow the fuck up." i roll my eyes.

"hello, billie." they say. i laugh at the familiar famous voice.

"nice one, buddy."

"what's your favorite scary movie?"

i decide to humor them and play along,

"hmmm... the original scream."

"ooo... a classic. one of my favorites too." they say.

"awww, we have something in common." i pout mockingly.

"i really like your outfit tonight, billie."

i chuckle, "oh, really?"


"so... you can see me?" i cock my brow, smirking— turning around, now facing outward from the kitchen. i look to my left at the sliding glass doors, then to the right at the window in the living room.


"right now?"

they let out a deep chuckle before answering, "mhm."

"oh, okay, mr. ghostface," i say sarcastically, "if you can see me... then what am i doing right now?" i mute myself and softly call for shark, unmuting myself when i kneel beside him, beginning to pet him.

it's silent for a moment and i giggle to myself, knowing that i most likely stumped this prank caller.

"well that's a cute little puppy... would be a shame if something terrible happened to it."

my stomach drops as my gentle movements on my pitbull's head stop.

"who the fuck are you." i say sternly, quickly standing up. my eyes slowly brim with tears, but i quickly blink them away; not wanting whoever this person is to see me weak.

"come on, you know who i am... you said it earlier."

"whatever sick joke you're playing, it's not fucking funny. my girlfriend will be here any minute. she's tall, and athletic, and she's not afraid of anything." i stammer out through heavy breaths, only half lying.

"oh... you mean y/n?"

my stomach drops once again, this time i feel like i'm gonna throw up.

"what did you do to her? where the fuck is she?!" i can't hide my vulnerability anymore, but i don't care.

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