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Ridhaan is about to kiss Ragini but door bell interupts him....... both looks at each other shocked and awkwardly.....

R- woh.......woh

Ri- what??

R- Chahat......wahar woh

Ri- kya??

Ragini pushes Ridhaan a little and runs towards door to unlock it...... Ridhaan tries to stop her

Ri- what are you doing??? Stop don't you dare to open

But before that Ragini opens the door......

R- Chahat......woh hum

Chahat enters the house...... and without saying a single word he hugs Ragini....... Ridhaan looks in shock anger and jealousy

R- Chahat aap yeh kya kar rahe hain

Chahat to realises what he did...... he comes out of hug.......and looks at Ragini but still holding her

Ch- (in anger) tumhara phone kanha hai......

R- woh actually.......

Ridhaan walks to them he loosens the Ridhaan's grip from Ragini......and stands in between both of them

Ri- who the hell are you and how dare you to touch her like that???

Ch- listen Mr you stay away out of it...... it's between me and Ragini so

Ri- what is between you two........ nothing got that....

Ch- listen you

Ridhaan holds Chahat's collar in anger so does he....... Ragini looks on in shock.......she pushes both of them away from each other.......

R- shut up both of you.......and Ridhaan he is friend

Ridhaan looks on in anger

R- and Chahat he is Ridhaan...... lead of the documentary I'm going to work on

Ridhaan looks on hurt

Ri- I'm just a co'worker to you....... nothing more

R- haa.....

Ridhaan looks on more hurt...... Chahat looks on

Ch- Ragini are you ok.....I mean from last night you were unreachable so...... I was worried.......does he did something

R- naa.....I'm ok.....

Chahat holds Ragini's hand Ridhaan cluthes his fist in anger

Ch- let's go......

R- Chahat......Woh actaully

Same time Aman to comes there with complete documantary team....... he looks on the scene weirdly

Am- hey.......what's up guys

Trio stares him

Am - sorry.......actually I'm here with the team.......

Ridhaan and Ragini looks on

Am- everything is planned......... we just have to start shooting.......... so

Ri- so.....

Am- actually it's about you........ from your first step to a rockstar towards you

Ri- (irritated) so

Am- we have to start from Kolkata...... beacause it's place from where you started your career.......

Ridhaan Ragini and Chahat trio looks on shocked

Ridhaan remembers his time in Kolkata....... his happy moments with his family then death of his parents...... lastly his bestfriends death....... but again some good moments with Ragini

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