The story

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The only reason why i'm posting this is because it's hilarious. I wrote this when i was like... 10. The plot is actually "i'm gonna vomit" worthy, the relationships are cringey as hell, it might as well be a Percy Jackson knockoff but that's just offensive to Percy Jackson.

I beg you, please make fun of me.

This shit, is shit. I'm only posting it because it's the very first book i've ever written, and it's so satisfying to read the most recent books i've put out, after reading this shitshow because i've gotten so much better I could cry.

It actually makes me really happy to see how far my writing as come. So i'm gonna show you the good, the bad, and the ugly. Cause this is... this is ugly.

If you choose to stop reading this in the middle, it is TOTALLY OKAY AND I UNDERSTAND. Please leave a comment like "I stopped here." "I can't take it anymore." "Shit I actually can't." Or even a "🤮".

Let's laugh together.


All I'm going to tell you is that the gods of Olympus are real. I know it sounds crazy but it's true, and sometimes the gods have children called Demigods. The nickname is half-bloods. Here is the story of 4 children being chased by a mysterious giant, running for there lives to Camp Half Blood. Only 3 of them return... Or do they all? The 4 demigods are:

1. Skyla Janson daughter of Ouranos.
2. Mary Jenkins daughter of Hecate... And a few others.
3. Caleb son of Apollo.
4. Dion the satyr

Skyla has long brown straight hair all the way down to her knees (but down
to the middle of her back at this time), milky brown skin, and red eyes. While Mary has black curly hair all the way down to her shoulders, with white skin, and pure black eyes. Caleb has straight golden hair that's swept to one side, gleaming golden eyes, and golden skin. Dion has curly brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin, and was half goat. Now here's the short story...

"Look! We're almost there to camp!"
Dion says smiling. We are only 10 years old as of right now, and we're already running out of breath. My legs ache and burn and I'm breathing heavily, doing my best to catch up. I'm the weakest of the 4. Before I can stop myself, I trip over a rock and scrape my elbows.

I mumble. Caleb looks back, sighing as he runs over to me. The giant roars in frustration. He helps me to my feet, and I dust myself off.
"Here, come on we got to go!"
He says. He checks my elbows which are heavily bleeding. His eyes turn a bright yellow, and he touches them and they begin to heal. Once they were he grabs my hand, and we continue running. His energy level is lower now.

"Why did you do that! You have less energy now!"
I say panting. He glances back at me, still running.
"I do a lot of things for you... I can't really tell you why I do them... Yet."
When he looks away heat rushes to my cheeks. I turn back at the giant, who doesn't look to happy.

We catch up to everybody and the giant roars, as a car comes crashing in our direction.
"Guys jump!"
I shout. My eyes turn gray and I jump using my powers of the wind, and the car crashes into everybody.
"Oh no!"
I land safely on the ground, my eyes turning back to red. I sprint over to the car, and I kneel down by my friends. There little heads were sticking out from under the car, and they're out cold. They weren't dead... Just unconscious. I sigh as tears build in my eyes.
"Remember me,"
I whisper. I turn over back to the giant. I take my sword out and run to fight it. A moment or two later, Mary wakes up groaning.

She gasps to see me fighting the giant alone. But she's stuck underneath the car.
Mary yells. She glances at the car. Her eyes turn the color purple, and with a sweep of her hand the car blasts away. Her eyes turn black again, and she picks up Caleb and Dion, putting them on her shoulders.
"Skyla come on!"
She yells. I then realize I can't find it, and I sprint towards them. But I'm too late. The monster grabs me, and throws me in the opposite direction.
"No! Skyla!"
Mary yells.
"Remember me!"
I hit my head on something hard and I black out. I don't wake up... Or do I?

Dangerous SkylaWhere stories live. Discover now