A big surprise

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That night Caleb had a tiny nightmare:

He was walking down a stony graveyard. Graves as vast as the eye could see. Caleb didn't know what he looking for at the time, but when he heard a slight CRACK, he turns around and suddenly a 20 foot grave pops out of the ground and says,
"Skyla Janson: died age 14
2000-2014. Murder."
Caleb shrieked and ran. No matter how fast or how far he kept running, the grave seemed to follow him. Saying in a deep voice,
He tripped on a rock that suddenly appeared in front of him, and the huge grave behind him grew spikes. Caleb seemed stuck in the ground. Before he could see himself die of his own guilt...

Zach his brother was shaking him by the shoulders. Caleb woke up screaming,
When he realized it was a dream he sighed with relief.
"Dude! What wrong with you! That's like... The third tonight!"
Zach said. Caleb only had 4 brothers and 2 sisters in his cabin. They were all sound a sleep. He didn't understand how they couldn't have heard him.

"I don't know!"
Caleb said with his hands on his head.
"Is it about Skyla?"
He sat on the edge of the bed.
"I don't want to think about her... But she's glued into my head! I already miss her! We had such a good time yesterday, and all of that went away so fast."
Zach just looked at him with a worried expression.
"We don't know what's going on with the mermaids, but a crystal made sword?.."
He shook his head.
"The Hecate cabin can't even fix that type of wound. I could tell it had a curse on it."
A tear went down Caleb's face, as he stared at the bed.

"Hey, don't cry man!"
"I'm not... I just... Have something in my eye... I need to cry it out."
Caleb said. Zach let it slide. He knew he was faking it, and Caleb and Skyla knew each other long enough to care this much.
"Dude, I know how it feels to loose someone important-"
"She was more than important! She was the bravest person I've ever met. I wanted to ask her out when she was 10... I mean... I knew she liked me when I first found her but.."
"Dude you're getting yourself confused. Stop. Your even making me confused. But, I totally agree on your judgment on her... I liked her one year too."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. But it was totally noticeable that she liked you more than a friend."
Zach said with a smile.

"This conversation is making me feel worse."
Caleb pouted, turning to the wall.
"I just want to let you know that nothing was your fault. If there was something in the water Skyla, with out a doubt, would've sensed it. But she didn't tell you, because she wanted you to throw her in the water! She wanted you to all romantic with her, because she knew if you guys ran... You wouldn't stand a chance."
Zach said poking Caleb once. Caleb smiled.
"Thanks... That last part actually made me feel better."
"I'm glad. Now, can you try not to think of her... I don't want to wake up again."
Caleb laughed.

With a smile Zach got up, climbed the ladder and went back to sleep.
That night, instead of going to the dead, Skyla ended up in the sky.

I said, looking around the gigantic land. Clouds where everywhere.
"Skyla! Glad you could make it honey!"
A mystery voice said. I looked around, confused.
"Who said that?"
"Don't tell me you don't recognize your own father?!"
"Father? Dad!... I can't see you!"
I yelled, chuckling.
"Well I'm the sky basically, you know."
He said. I smiled again.
"Then how did you meet my mom?"
At that moment, air swirled around me. I blocked my eyes as a burst of light hit my eyes.
"Like this."
My dad said. When I opened my hands to look, there stood a man with green eyes, and wearing a Greek robe. My smile brightened.
"Give your old man a hug!"
I ran to him, and wrapped my arms around him.
"I don't look anything like you."
I said, when I broke away.
"You were more tiny than the average baby. Plus, you mom had your skin tone... It's a bit complicated... Let's look at the past shall we?... Let's go to... The first day you were born!"
He said. He whirled his had, and a the air made a large circle in front of us. Then a vision popped up on the middle, and I had to gasp.

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