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"The president."
I mumbled.
"Oh Skyla! Daughter of Ouranos! Welcome!"

Aeolus wore Greek battle armor, gray eyes with a helmet that covered his cheeks and hair, as his skin shines golden yellow.

"You... You were the one in my dreams!"
I yelled angrily, making Aeolus laugh.
"Yes. Yes I was. Now do you want to die? Or leave? Make your choice now!"
"No! I came for two reasons, and two reasons only! And that's the president, and to make you join the good side again!"
"The good side?! Bah I finally woke up and realized we don't stand a chance against the dark side! You think Percy Jackson would've stopped the dark side for coming back for good? Dark never dies! Revenge is to great a price to leave alone, Skyla!"
"In your dreams!!!"
Dion yelled confidently.
"Oh! A satyr! How nice! I can feed you to my death canines. Present from Nico Di Angelo."
We look over to the right corner and there was a 30 foot tall, 5 headed war hound, with 10 inch fangs snarling at us. -- Again, maybe I was exaggerating. --

When I saw the red eyes I was paralyzed on how bright they were. They were like mine but scarier and less kind.

Dion winced.
"Death canines!"
I said in disbelief. And from a Olympian hero?
"There awesome!"
Mary yelled, as we all turned to look at her.
I whispered hotly, as she shrugged. The canines made confused looks. Did they recognize her?

"Let the president go!"
Caleb yelled.
"Can someone please tell me what's going on!?"
The president, who as probably been silent from fear finally pleads.
"We'll tell you everything once you get out of there."
Sofie answered sharply, making the president wince.
"If you can get him out!"
Aeolus yells.
"We will!"
I shouted back.
"Arise my giants! Arise and bring the revenge of Olympian heroes to their doom!"
Air swirls, asthma began to form at least 3 giants.

"Ok. So civilized talking didn't work out... What now?"
Dion asks.
"We fight."
I answered sternly, staring at the Giants cautiously.
"Ok. Good plan. Except... They're huge."
Mary protests.
"I defeated Godzilla over there."
Caleb said pointing down the door, as Mary rolls her eyes.
"Good point."
"We fight together. Don't get separated. If you need help... Scream."
I suggested, as they all nodded.
"Oh and don't get distracted by each other."
Dion points out, looking at Caleb and I.
"Shut up Dion."
I mumbled, as everybody laughs, despite this dangerous and suicidal problem.

We looked at each other, smiled, and we went to work. The first giant came to us with 2 swords. They seemed to materialize after a while. I bring out my sword and Caleb gets out his bow. Dion and Mary take another giant and Sofie on her own. The canine snarls at us, making me shiver.
Caleb yells. I open my eyes and realize a sword coming straight me. I veer to the left, barely missing it.

I hear the president gasp, then pulled his mouth shut. The sword the giant was holding was now stuck in the floor. I hopped up on his hand and climbed up his arm, as he tries to get the sword out of the ground. Caleb was firing arrows into his head. I needed to make him blind.

With a devilish grin I ran towards his neck. I grabbed in to some flesh, climbing up his cheek, and staring into the eye. The giant gazed at me with a surprised look. Caleb shot perfectly into his right eye, making the giant lunge back, making the sword swing at the opposite direction. It pulled itself out of the ground and toward Caleb. He dodged but landed, scraping himself on glass. He winced in pain, as blood gushed out.

I growled and stabbed it in the other eye. The giant cried out and fell to the floor with a thud. With one last hit I made my sword grow a little bigger in length, and stabbed it in the forehead.

The Giants eyes rolled to the back of his head and he falls backward, not blinking. The giant disappeared slowly.

I heard Sofie cheer with joy. I look over at her and all the Giants are gone. I smiled, but this time I hear Caleb wince again.

I quickly jog over to him, seeing that the cut was from the inside of his elbow to the shoulder. I made a face.
I whispered, as Caleb only nods in agreement.

Dion and everybody ran over to us.
"I can tell your used to this?"
Dion said, as Caleb nodded again. His face scrunched up and he winced again, clearly in pain. The stitches pulled the wound together, and Caleb balled his fists, trying not to scream. When they were done, he sighed with relief and stood up.
"Come on, we got to stop him."
Caleb said pointing at Aeolus who stood there, stunned.

We walked over to him, as his shock turns into fury.
"Alright! Kids I have had enough of you! You better talk fast before I crush you with my feet!"
"We want you to come on the good side again!"
Dion yelled.
"I told you, if anyone joined, they wouldn't stand a chance!"
"That was a little offensive."
I whispered.

"What about Grace and Charles!"
Sofie asked, making Aeolus hesitate.
"My children will join me! They sure would love to be with their father again!"
"No they won't. They hate Kronos. If they found out that you joined him, they will never forgive you!"
Dion protested.
"Why should I believe you?! You're just a group of small kids!"
"They are too! Wouldn't you believe them if they were here?"
Sofie asked. If I knew any better, it's the love of the children's parents that always get them.

"We are best friends with them. When we had the campfire, they weren't there to hear the news! Please Aeolus, and maybe... Just maybe... We will win with your help. If we all just... Work together."
Dion pleaded, as we all nodded in agreement. The canine winces, resting it's heads on its paws. The president stills, waiting for a reaction.

After a while of hesitation, Aeolus finally spoke,

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