Off we go

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Theme song 👆

I looked around me and see my friends looking down on me, feeding me nectar.
"What happened?"
I asked.
"You passed out. I knew it would be to much for you. Nobody finishes the power station without fainting."
Caleb answered with a worried look.
"Why do guys look so worried?"
I asked.
"How did you know?"
Dion asks.
"Your faces."
I said, like it was obvious.
"Well you've been out for an hour. It's 5:00pm right now. If we go right now, we'll make it to Mexico at midnight."
Evan said.
"So there's nothing to worry about."
I said, sitting up.
"Be careful, you have a huge headache."
Caleb said.
"How did you know, I would have a headache?"
I asked.
"You talk in your sleep."
Caleb answered with a smile.
"Aw what! Did I do that at the date?!"
I asked with wide eyes. Caleb nods, chuckling.
"What did I say?"
I asked. I didn't remember my dreams, only the nightmares which I hate.
"Guys there more important things to do. Have we all packed?"
Dion asks. Everybody nods, and Caleb hands me my backpack.
"Catherine packed for you."
He said.
"Oh, thanks. Let's get started!"
I said confidently. I got and my legs felt like they turned into water, and I fell to the ground. I cursed and Caleb helps me back up.
"You can't walk can you?"
Caleb asks. I cursed again and he laughed.
"Alright let's help."
Evan said, and they all got up to help me. I few minutes later I was up and WALKING, and with my luck Sofie comes running towards us. We start to walk faster.
"Leave us alone Sofie you've done enough!"
I said pointing at her. She flys back and screams in outrage. Caleb picks me up, bridal style and we sprinted into the woods. And we off to find our sweet but devilish Mary.


The second book in the series is Mary's Vengeance! Make sure if you liked this one, you read the next! This is so exciting!

Hugs and kisses!---- Edan!

That was 2015 me. Hi, this is 2020 me, and if you've made it all the way to end, CONGRATS. You're ONE OF A KIND. I don't really know whether i'm gonna go ahead and publish the second book. Probably not.

If you want to see my writing NOW, go ahead and read "All is Fair in War and Dragon Scales." Because my growth is... astounding.

Anyways, thanks for reading and i'm sorry you decided to put yourself through this.

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