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I yelled. They ran into the room, as I punch the hands of a huge monster. He had red eyes with razor sharp fangs about 10 inches long -- Maybe I'm exaggerating -- He had back full of spikes that looked like huge swords running across its back, dinosaur feet with long claws and sharp toenails... Basically the new Godzilla.

Caleb yells, drawing his sword and runs to the monster.
"Caleb no!"
Mary yells.

"Get me down from here! His claws are sharp and digging into my skin!"
I yelled.
"I love it when she calls me for help."
Caleb whispers, sprinting over to the monsters leg.

The monster swings his hand to grab him, but Caleb easily dodges him and stabs his sword into the monsters wrist, and pulls. The monster streaks as his hand turns into dust. He runs towards the legs and slices one with only a scratch. He thinks for a minute and dodges another hand swipe. He runs backward and swings his sword like a boomerang and it hits the ankle, and stays there.

Dion says. Caleb ignores him, saying something in Greek, as the sword starts to sizzle and starts to melt the ankle.

The monster shrieks again and grabs Caleb from behind, making me gasp. Caleb yells another word in Greek and the sword flys to him. He catches it and stabs the monster in the hand. It lets go of him and he jumps just in time onto the monsters arm. He runs up and jumps, heading towards the the chest.

He stabs it right in the middle and dangles from it. I close my eyes, as he says the same word In Greek and the sword fizzed. It slid down the monsters chest, making a gaping hole, and keeps sliding. Making the hole bigger, and bigger. Once it's big enough he takes the sword out and drops to the floor. The monster shrieks so loud I have to cover my ears. It stops abruptly and turns into dust.

And I fall.

I didn't have enough strength to make my air power float me to the ground.

Caleb drops his sword and runs over to catch me. I cover my eyes with my hands, as I land in his arms and Caleb falls to the ground.
We both say together, as i fumble off of him and stand up. I held out a hand and he takes it.

"Thank you."
I say, panting. He smiles at me, not replying. My friends run over.
"Why didn't you help me?"
Caleb asks.
"Oh, it looked like you knew what you where doing."
Dion answers, giving an obvious look. Caleb just shrugs, to tired to argue.

We all run down the stairs and on the last step and I fall, shrieking.
"Ow. Ow! OW!"
Caleb runs to me.
"What's wrong?"
Tears were streaming from my eyes, as he squints, looking at me. Then he unwraps the bandages on my legs, and gasped.
"The stitches."
He says.
"The what?"
I asked, I crying out again, jerking my leg out of instinct. Dion and Mary kneel down next to me, giving me terrified looks, as Sofie stand awkwardly to the side, not knowing what to do.

"Well you know why they don't stitch anything themselves at camp anymore? Well... It's because for demigods... In the generation... It stitches itself."
Caleb answered.

To be honest... It was kind of gross. I piece of white string going in and out of your deep wound, by itself with its own needle... Yuck. I had multiple wounds so it hurt so much more.

I balled my fists as sharp bursts of air escapes my mouth.
"It's also full of pain when it's working."
Caleb adds. He pulls me against his chest, comforting me as I started to wince.
"Shhh your going to be alright."
Caleb says.
"It hurts!"
I squeaked.
"It's almost done."
He wiped some tears away. After the the stitching part, it pulls the wound together. I shriek.

I was holding Mary's hand so tightly her fingers were turning purple.
"Breathe Skyla."
Caleb said.
"Is that supposed to help?"
I snapped.
"No you need to calm down or you'll pass out again. You're unstable remember?"
He says with a worried look.
"It... It hurts to much!"
I protested, feeling anger and bile claw at my throat. Weak. Unstable.

"Hold on a bit longer."
I was hugging him so tightly, even with one hand I was strong. When it finally stopped I sighed with relief. I let go of Mary's hand, and she shook it in the air. She mouthed the word "ow," and something popped in my mind. Mary never screamed.

"Sorry... Hurt as bad as the acid.. Maybe a little less, but you get the point."
I said guiltily.
"It's alright. I would've done the same thing."
Mary sighed. Caleb rubbed my arm reassuringly.
"Well, you made it!"
He said wiping more tears.
"Thanks... Gosh that hurt!"
I mumbled relaxing in Caleb's arms.

"I... Don't think I can get up... I... Am the worst person ever. I'm sorry guys."
I said helplessly, as Caleb frowned.
"Stop saying that! You get hurt more often because you're the one who goes to fight monsters. You're really the only person who's not afraid of them."
"He's right. The more monsters you fight the more wounds you get."
Mary adds, nodding.
"I'm totally afraid of them. I'm not a psycho."
I protested, as Mary smiled.
"Come on, let's help you walk again. Sofie, I want you to help this time!"
Caleb yelled.
"Ugh...! Fine!"
Sofie's yells back, completely annoyed. With Sofie's help, I was up and running in no time.

We sprinted into the Main room as we look apon Aeolus... With a guest.

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