The White House

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"Ok. So I'm going to give you some equipment to use wherever your going..."
Hermes says, as a box comes on a conveyer belt. He picks it up and looks through it.
"Ah! Here you are."
He hands me a square piece of metal with a red button on it.
"What's this?"
I asked.
"It's a disposable car. Just press that button and it will make a 8 seater mini van!"

I was about to press it when Hermes shouts,
"NOT IN HERE! Not in here..."
I was so shocked I dropped it. Caleb picks it back up and hands it back to me.
I said, as Sofie snickers, making me glare at her.

"Yep. You remind me of Annabeth."
Hermes whispers.

He looks through another box and pulls out another object, and hands it to Sofie.
"It looks like a gun!"
Sofie yelled with delight.
"It's not... It's a grapple hook disguised as a gun. To scare bad people away, or when you need to escape you just... Well, shoot."
Hermes mumbled.
Sofie whispered looking around it, as Hermes hands her a type of belt.
"Put this on, and stick your grapple hook on it.... So you don't need to carry it."
Hermes states, as Sofie shrugs and slowly starts to put the belt on.

Bruno comes over with the snakes wide awake, and fighting over what to have for dinner. Sofie puts the grapple hook on and jumps in surprise, as it sticks to the metal.
"So anything?"
I asked, as Hermes takes the staff away from Bruno, giving him a nod.

The snakes look at me for a second.
Charlie asks, making me sigh angrily.
"Did you forget what to look for?"
Mary asked.
"What no! Aeolus is at the White House right now! There are creatures in some of the rooms to distract you... I'm guessing."
Emma says, as I slap my forehead. Emma continues, ignoring my anger.
"They trapped the president and knocked out it's security... Just so you know... You can go through the sewer if you want an easier way in."
"Do you have a map or something to help us?"
I ask. Charlie looked at me like I was crazy.
"You'll know when you start."
"Ok! Thank you Charlie and Emma!"
Hermes says, with slight irritation. With a roll of Emma's eyes they turn back to silver.
"These snakes are new... I liked the others better... With Percy."
Hermes says, making me smile. Boy did I agree.
"Were they more productive?"
I asked, as I hear Caleb snicker beside me.
"I heard that!"
Charlie yells, before turning back into silver. I chuckled with Caleb and we say are thank you's and goodbyes. Then, we were off to The White House.

"I can't wait to be in The White House! It's so exciting! And we got new weapons...! And a car!"
Mary yells excitedly.
"Yeah that's gonna be cool... But we forgot to ask them which sewer to go in-"
Sofie interrupted me,
"Say what now? How?"
"Well, you know Charlie said that you guys will know when you start... Well, I can see a blue aura and that should tell us which way to go."
Sofie answered, as we all follow her to a sewage opening.

She opened the lid and we all climbed in. I got a waft of something terrible. I coughed and wind blew, making Caleb cover my mouth.
I mumble behind his hand.

He pulls his hand away, as we start to walk on a path that we were lucky to have. There were two paths... With gross water down the middle.

We didn't get that far without hearing our first monster.
"Why didn't Charlie tell us about the sewer queen!"
Mary whispered, as we hide behind a couple barrels.
"What's the sewer queen?"
Dion asked.
"She's deadly. Works down here in the sewer... Is a monster... Spits fire."
Mary said slowly, making Dion roll is eyes.
"Does every monster have to spit out something?"
Caleb asked angrily, making me chuckle.
"Good point... But I don't think every monster does..."
Caleb says, rolling his eyes.
"Mary. Do your magic to make it frozen."
I suggested.
She said sadly.

I wanted desperately to know what's going on with her, but it had to wait.

She put her hand out, her eyes turning light blue and the monster stood in place, not moving. It we obvious that the monster was confused. We got up and started to walk past it. You could hear him trying to roar and burst flames.
"That spell won't last forever! Come on!"
Mary yelled. We started to sprint down the sewer.

The monster roared and it suddenly was free. My heart raced and my legs ached. We were sprinting so fast that movement was simply to much. With a blast of pain shooting up my leg, I fell to the ground.

I woke up with a gasp on the floor of The White House. Caleb was the only one with me. Why is that always awkward?

"What happened?"
I asked weakly.
"Sense you have a lot of wounds on your legs, you couldn't handle the presser of running so hard, and you passed out."
Caleb answers. I can't believe I was on the floor again, while my friends are off somewhere probably beating the crud out of a monster. My face scrunches up.
"I feel like a huge wimp right now!"
Caleb smiled.
"Don't say that. Your under a lot of presser. Rest."
I wait there. Looking up at the ceiling for a few seconds. Then my mind and heart races again, I knew my friends where gone, but where?
"Where are the others?!?"
I asked with panic in my voice.
"Don't worry, there off fighting the guards that are scattered all over the place."
He helps me up. I put my hand on my head, starting to get a headache.

We stared at each other for a while. When I notice he's leaning in a bit my heart stops. I suddenly forget about my head, as I felt like I was being magnetized to him, and started leaning in without thinking. We were inches apart when Dion called,
"What are you two lovebirds doing?"
Sofie and Mary laughed as they raced to us. Caleb brings himself back. My heart was beating so fast, I could've sworn it stopped a second ago.

"Maybe we should leave you two alone more often!"
Mary says laughing. I didn't know who was blushing more Caleb, or me.
"Anyway, we defeated all the guards. Let's go free the president."
Sofie says, still snickering. We all stand and head toward the stairs.
"You guys have good timing."
Caleb says, making the others laugh.
"Oh come on! Admit it already Caleb, you like her!"
Mary says smiling. I glance at him and he looks away. I could see the red in his cheeks.
"And you admit Skyla, you like him!"
I jumble for words to change the subject,
"So which way are we headed?"
"My guess is up the stairs."
Mary says.
"What if he's in the Main room? That makes more sense."
Dion protested. I'm guessing they haven't been up stairs yet.

"We check up stairs first, then the main room. Cause he should be up there locked in a cage."
Mary says.
"And if he's not?"
Dion pushed.
Mary says annoyed. Dion pulls his hands up in a surrender.
"Alright! Geez!"

We all head up stairs. I take one room and everybody else separates. I opened the door to my room and screamed.

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