~6~ The Clubhouse

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"A ritual?" I asked.

"Ritual of Chüd." Mike explained. "The shokopiwah. The first one' who fought IT. They have a saying, all living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit."

"A tribal ritual?" I laughed cruelly. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"There's got to be another way." Richie said, agreeing with me. "This thing comes back after twenty-seven years right? Let's kick the can and do it then."

"You dumb fuck." I groaned.

"We're going to be seventy years, asshole!" Eddie snapped.

Beverly shook her head. "It doesn't work that way. None of us make it another twenty years. And-and the way is happens..... if we don't finish the cycle...."

"Then we die." Bill finishes.

"Horribly." Eddie said.

"Yeah, we don't need the horrible part." Richie sighed.

"Beverly said it, not me."

"Fuck." I shuddered.

Richie put his hand lightly on my back, before removing it quickly.

"Alright guys, look." Bill said, getting our attention turned to him. "I've seen w-what he's talking about. And it's a-a-all true."

"We have to remember." Mike butt in.

"Remember what?" asked Richie.

"It's better if I show you." Mike answered. "The cycle will end soon. And once it does...."

"We're fucked." Eddie finished.

~ ~ ~
We started walking through town, following Mike. Eddie was walking closely next to me, the back of our hands grazing together.

"Does your wife take care of you like I do, Eddie Bear?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Eddie pushed me, a little too hard. I stumbled and nearly fell onto the road, where a car was racing towards me.

"OCTOBER!" Richie reached out and grabbed me, pulling be back onto the sidewalk. I fell against him and breathed heavily as the car drove past, inches away from me.

"What the fuck Eddie?" Richie snapped.

The Loser's stared.

Eddie came rushing. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to....."

"Hey it's okay." I put a hand on his shoulder. "Richie, it's fine. We were messing around, it was an accident."

Richie looked at Eddie's angrily while Eddie kept apologizing the whole walk.

"Ed's, it's fine." I said for the tenth time.

We finally reached the area Mike was leading us too. We were in the middle of the woods now.

Ben looked around. "This is where we came after the rock fight."

"Rock war." Richie and I both corrected at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"The clubhouse!" Richie suddenly said.

"Yeah, you built it." Beverly said to Ben.

Ben nodded. "The hatch has to be around here somewhere."

"I remember that!" I said, smiling slightly.

"Actually, I think the door was more around...." Ben started walking around. He stomped hard on the ground. The ground gave away and he fell into a whole.

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