~9~ Richie left????

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I ran to the Inn, and didn't stop. My whole leg was searing with pain. People stared at me as I ran, probably wondering why I was so bloodied. I finally reached the Inn and ran in. I shut the door and gasped for breath. The only reason I was able to run, was probably adrenaline, because now I collapsed from my injury. 

"Hello?" called out the voice of Ben. "Who came- shit." Ben ran to me and crouched down, touching my cheek. "October? Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

I nodded and winced. "IT."

"It's okay, I got you." Ben picked me up gingerly and carried me to the sitting room, setting me down next to Beverly.

"Oh my god what happened?" Beverly asked, her eyes widening. 

"Go get Eddie-" began Ben, but there was a loud cry. 

"HELP!" Yelled out Eddie's voice.

"Eddie?" I cried, trying to sit up.

Beverly pushed me down. "We're going to go check. Stay. Here."

I heard yelling, and Eddie's fast talking was floating down the stairs. But I couldn't hear what they were saying. I finally got up, and limped up the stairs. I walked into  Eddie's bedroom, to see them looking out the window. 

"What happened Ed's?" I asked, worried.

They turned around.

"I told you to stay down there!" Beverly scolded.

Eddie looked at me and I gasped. "You're cheek!"

"Bowers stabbed my face. I stabbed his chest but he still fucking got away, I don't know how." he looked at my leg. "You're leg!"

"Pennywise." I said.

"Where the fuck is Richie's car?" asked Ben, looking again out the window.

I looked up. "Richie left?"

"I thought you got him to stay!" Beverly yelled at Ben.

Ben went to Richie's room, while Beverly pulled out a first aid kit to help Eddie and I.

I heard Ben bang on Richie's door. "Richie? Richie!"

"He fucking left, that cowered!" I hissed angrily, tears springing my eyes. "He just left!"

Eddie put his hand on mine and hissed as Beverly cleaned his cheek. Beverly put a bandage on his cheek, before turning her attention to me. 

Ben walked in. "He's gone."

I didn't even notice the stinging pain as Beverly disinfected my cuts. "Richie just left."

"You still love him." Eddie realized, squeezing my hand tighter. 

I nodded, looking down. 

Beverly paused for a moment, looking up at me, before resuming back to my leg. 

"When I see him, I'm going to fucking kill him." Eddie said angrily. 

"Done." Beverly said to me. "Can you walk?"

I stood up and tried not to make a face. I failed. "I'll manage."

"I'll help." Eddie said, putting his arm around my waist to support me. 

"We have to go the library." Ben said. "Mikes there, and maybe Bill's there too."

We all piled into Ben's car, as he drove us to the library. Once we stepped out, I saw Richie's car. "Richie's here." I mumbled in Eddie's ear.

We went into the library. Eddie and I were walking slow. I heard Beverly scream. 

Eddie and I gasped at the scene in front of us. 

Mike was laying on the floor, with a dead Henry Bowers beside him. Richie was standing above them, breathing heavily. 

"Well, that was long overdue." Richie said. "Get it? Cuz we're in a library?" he gagged. "Nope." he puked all over the floor. When he was done, Richie wiped his mouth and turned around, freezing when he saw me. "Your leg!" he walked closer. "What happened?"

I let go of Eddie, and punched Richie in the face. "You asshole! I can't believe you just left!"

Richie staggered back and held his nose. "Yeah, I know. I realized halfway, I can't just leave you guys here." he looked away. "I came here to the library thinking you were here. I'm sorry."

"You're a piece of shit Tozier." I snarled, before grabbing the front of his jacket and kissing him. 

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. I suddenly pulled away, remembering about Mike. 

"Are you okay?" Ben asked.

"No! I just fucking killed a guy!" Richie yelled.

"I was talking to Mike."

Mike nodded. 

"Where's Bill?" I asked, glancing around. 

Mike pulled out his phone. "He hasn't arrived yet. I'll call him."  After a few rings, Mike spoke. "Bill? We're at the library. Where you at?" he paused, listening to Bill speak. "No, no just come here. We can talk about the plan." Mike looking visibly more distressed. "No! Not alone! No BILL!" Mike pulled the phone away from his ear and looked down. "He hung up."

"Where is he?" I asked nervously. 

"He's going to go fight IT alone." 

"NO!" I screamed. "That idiot! He's going to get himself killed!"

"It's about the group." Mike said, running a hand through his hair with frustration. "It doesn't work without the group."

Richie was holding Mike's Shokopiwah artifact and was examining it. Mike grabbed it from his hands and held it close to himself. 

"Mike, did he tell you where he was going?" Ben asked.

"If he really wanted to kill Pennywise," Beverly said. "There's only one place he'd go."

Mike nods. "The same place where the ritual needs to be performed."

"Oh, we're not gonna like this." Eddie sighed.

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