~14~ The Puppy

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I ran with Richie and Eddie.

"I can't keep up!" I cried, slowing down as my leg stung. 

"It's okay." Richie said. "I got you." he tightened his grip around my waist as we ran down the cave. 

"Where are the others?" Eddie asked.

"I don't know."

 I felt something touch my leg. I screamed when I saw some weird with with sharp teeth trying to come at us. 

"FASTER FASTER!" I screamed.

They both looked back and yelled out when they saw the thing. It looked like monstrous mouth. 

We arrived at a dead end, facing three doors. 

"Oh not again!" I cried, remembering the time Richie, Bill and I had to go through doors when we were kids. 

"Damnit!" Richie cried.

"Uh, okay so. Not scary at all, right?" Eddie asked.

"No!" I yelled, as Eddie started going towards that door..

Richie held him back. "No! They're flipped. He's fucking with us."

We looked back at the mouth thing and screamed as it got closer.

"Come on!" I cried. 

"Are you sure?" Eddie asked, as we ran to the Very Scary door.


Richie opened the door and we saw that it was completely dark. 

"Where's my shoe?" whispered a voice.

"Betty Ripsom?" I whispered to Eddie.

Richie turned on the light, and we froze. All there was was a bunch of jackets hanging in a closet.

I let our a relived sigh, but that feeling didn't last very long. The sound of someone skipping and giggling got nearer, and the lower half of a body came into the light.

"OH FUCK CLOSE IT!" I screamed.

Richie yelled and slammed the door shut.

"FUCK YOU!" Eddie screamed. 

We turned around, to be faced again with the sharp mouth. 

"Okay, so he's not fucking with us this time." I said. "Come on, let's go to not scary at all."

"Okay." Eddie took a deep breath, and opened the door.

It looked dark and empty. 

"It's alright." Richie whispered. "Let's go."

I flashed my light to the floor, and saw a small adorable Pomeranian. 

"Aw, shit." Richie froze and we all stared at it. 

The dog stared back at us, panting with these cute eyes.

"No way am I falling for this shit again." Eddie whispered.

"Oh yeah, that things a fucking monster." Richie said softly.

I bent down. "I know your moves you little bitch."

"Stop, you'll get it angry." Eddie pulled me back.

The dog made no movement, as it kept giving us the cut puppy eyes.

"Richie, October." Eddie whispered. "It's gone."

Richie and I turned around, to see the mouth thing was gone.

We turned back to the dog. "Sit!" Richie commanded. 

The dog sat down. 

"He did it!" Eddie looked surprised.

"That's cute." I smiled slightly.

"That's a good boy." Richie grinned.

"That actually so adorable." Eddie said.

"That's a good boy." I said, putting on my baby voice.

The dog suddenly turned into a large dead looking dog, towering over us.


Richie slammed the door shut and we started going back down the cave.

"Next time, we just go with regular scary!" Richie yelled.

"NEXT TIME?" Eddie and I cried. 

We ran back to the layer. 

"No, not back here." I hissed.

But we kept pushing ahead. We hid behind a large rock, watching the scene ahead of us. Mike was being held up by one of Pennywise's tentacles. 

"I know what you are." Pennywise hissed. "A madman."

He opened his mouth over Mike, sharp teeth large, when a he stopped short after being his by a rock. Pennywise turned to look. I looked too. Richie had snuck away from Eddie and I and was standing straight. 

"Hey fuckface!" Richie yelled. 

Pennywise tossed Mike to the side and turned to Richie. 

Richie bent down to grab another rock. "You wanna play truth or dare? Here's a truth! You're a sloppy bitch!"

"Richie!" I called out, frightened. 

"Yeah that's right! Let's dance! YIPPE KIYAY MOTHER-" Richie suddenly went limp as Pennywise showed the deadlights. The rock fell from Richie's hand as his arms swung loosely around.

"RICHIE!" I cried. I grabbed a rock and threw it at Pennywise, but he wasn't fazed at all.

Richie started rising in the air slowly. 


I looked sideways at Eddie, to see him holding a sharp rod that Beverly had given him. Eddie looked up at me. "This kills monster's, If you believe it does."

Eddie repeated the phrase five times, growing angrier each time. He ran forward. "BEEP BEEP MOTHER FUCKER!" he threw the spear, and we watched in awe as it landed in Pennywise's mouth. Richie dropped to the ground and I limped to him, placing my hands on his chest. "Richie!"

We looked up as Pennywise choked on the spear, spitting out fire looking liquid. He fell back against a spike, and it shot through his chest. He went limp.

"Holy shit!" Eddie cried. 

I looked back at Richie. "Rich? Richie?"

Eddie came beside me. "Rich wake up! Hey Rich!"

I clapped Eddie on the back. "I knew you had it in you Eddie Bear!"

Eddie smiled at me and we looked back down at Richie. Richie looked around wildly, with wide eyes. His eyes landed on us. 

"Yeah!" Eddie laughed. "There he is buddy!"

Richie grabbed my hand and looked at Eddie as he spoke.

"Listen!" Eddie said excitedly. "I think I got him man! I think I killed it!" Eddie and I glanced back at IT's limp body. Eddie grinned back down at us. "I think I did it! I think I killed it for real!"

Something sharp went through Eddie's chest, splattering Richie and I in blood. I screamed as Eddie looked down and back at us.

"Eddie!" I screamed.

"Eddie no!" Richie yelled.

Eddie spit out blood. "October...... Richie....."

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