Act IV

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Grumbo enjoyers are going to like this chapter. That's all I have to say.

Enjoy the chapter :)

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"I can't believe they gave me the role of someone who dies," Fwhip sighed, stirring ketchup with a McDonald's french fry.

Grian groaned. "Again, half of the characters die. Romeo and Juliet die, for goodness sake! You're fine."

Fwhip frowned. "Can't a guy sulk in peace?"

Lizzie giggled. "There's no peace here, Fwhip." She reached over to steal one of Jimmy's chicken nuggets, but was immediately swatted away. "I'm sister, you have to give me one."

Jimmy scowled. "I paid for these," he said simply, and got up to sit right next to Grian, leaving one seat between him and Lizzie.

Lizzie huffed. "You gave Fwhip five bucks to bribe him into getting you McDonald's," she said. "I wouldn't call that paying for it."

"I can't believe I only have like sixty lines," Grian grumbled, running his hands down his face. "I was so sure Benvolio had more lines."

"The way of the world," Fwhip said, causing Joel to snort. He sighed. "Lucky you, though, I only have seventeen."

Joel let out a mock sob. "I have ten."

Grian was going to make a comment until his eyes found something - or someone - and he smiled a bit. "Hey, Mumbo," he called, waving the boy over. "Come sit with us!"

Fwhip snorted and nudged Joel in the side with his elbow. He and Joel shared funny looks, giggling to themselves as Grian eyed them skeptically.

Mumbo smiled and walked over immediately.

"Timmy, move over," Grian ordered, pushing Jimmy toward Lizzie again. "This spot's for Mumbo."

Jimmy's brows furrowed together and he frowned, still in the middle of chewing a chicken nugget. "But-"

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Grian scolded, and he pushed the box with three remaining nuggets toward Lizzie, who stole one immediately. "Go!"

Groaning, Jimmy moved over and took back his last two nuggets. "Jeez."

When Mumbo sat down, Grian rested his head on his palm, the happiest look on his face. "So, how are you, Mumbo?" he asked, and Jimmy could've sworn he saw Grian swinging his feet under the table.

Mumbo was in a similar position as Grian - an eighth grader who had such amazing grades, he started taking classes at the high school. Though, Mumbo's situation was a little bit different. He was a mechanics and technology science guy, while Grian was a math and every other kind of science guy. While Grian knew almost everything about algebra and trigonometry, Mumbo knew squat about it. But Mumbo knew a little too much about mechanics and wiring, while Grian knew almost nothing.

Mumbo let out a soft chuckle. "Well, I- I'm alright, I suppose," he answered. He sighed. "I heard you guys talking about the play."

Grian's eyes lit up again. "Oh, yeah! Guess what?" he grabbed onto Mumbo's forearm, excitedly bouncing in his seat. "Guess what, guess what!"

Laughing, Mumbo said, "What, Grian?"

"I got the part!" The blonde beamed up at the other, a pink dust settling over his cheeks.

Mumbo's smile spread to his eyes. "That's great," he said, and the pink tint on Grian's face deepened its shade. "I'm really proud of you."

Jimmy heard Joel and Fwhip snickering on the other side of the table and couldn't help but giggle as well.

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