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Small Trigger Warning for blood! I promise, everyone is fine, nobody's injured too badly, but Zach's an ass so-

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"Good morning," Lizzie sang to Scott and Jimmy - who looked like they'd fallen out of bed rather than getting out of bed - as she flipped over a slice of toast in a small frying pan. "How'd you two sleep?"

"Awful," Jimmy answered in unison with Scott's grumbled, "Horrible."

Grian snorted. "Sucks for you, I slept great," he boasted, earning a snicker from Lizzie. He took a tauntingly prideful (and unnecessarily loud) sip of his orange juice, making direct eye contact with Jimmy as the latter scowled at the younger.

Scott yawned. "I'm so exhausted," he grumbled. "Can't we sleep for another hour? Or day..."

Lizzie laughed. "My sincerest apologies," she jokingly said in a ridiculously regal voice, "however, we are running quite late this early morn, Your Highness." This made Scott laugh, and she smiled when he did.

She turned the burner off and took the slices of toast off the pan and placed one of them in a sandwich box to place things on top of, before putting the other slice on top and shutting the box. She put the box and a few other containers into a miniature tote, which sat next to quite a few others.

"Here are your lunches, good sirs," she announced, scooping the five or six bags from the counter next to the stove and setting them down on the island counter. "Take your pick."

Grian stood up from his place at the table. "I call the red one," he said, snatching the red bag as he made his way to the sink to drop of his cup and plate.

Jimmy sighed. "Dang it, I saw Lizzie put a brownie in there," he grumbled. Shrugging, he grabbed a yellow one. "I'll have this one, I suppose."

Lizzie turned to Scott as Jimmy and Grian left to gather the rest of their things. "Your turn," she said.

Scott looked around to make sure nobody else was around him. "Me?" he asked, pointing to his chest.

"Yes, you, silly," Lizzie answered. "What? You think I'd make lunches for everyone else but not you? It's only fair."

Scott nodded, muttered a quiet, "Right..." He was hesitant and took a moment to decide, but eventually he settled for a bag similar to the color of his hair. "Thank you," he said.

"Of course, doll," Lizzie said with a wink, making Scott groan.

"Is that what you're calling me now?"

"Yep!" With that, Lizzie gathered the three bags left and started down the hallway. "Everyone head out to the van now, or I'm leaving you behind," she called to whoever was listening.

Grian shocked everyone when he shouted, "I call sitting next to Scott!"

Jimmy came into the foyer, where Scott was knelt down and tying his shoelaces. "Are you alright sitting next to Grian?" the blonde asked.

Scott nodded. "Yeah," he answered, looking up at Jimmy. "I think I'll survive." He chuckled as he rose to his feet. "Though, I think the real question is, are you alright with me sitting next to Grian?"

"Oh my God," Jimmy murmured, playfully nudging Scott with his elbow.

Scott threw his head back in a laugh. "I'm just joking." Tossing his duffle over his shoulder, he grabbed the lunch Lizzie prepared and they headed out the door.

The ended up picking Joel up when he called saying it wouldn't start.

"Imagine having a crap pick-up that won't start," Grian snickered, earning a half-hearted glare from Joel.

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