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This wasn't exactly finished in half an hour like I said, but oh well.

Trigger warning for talk about sexualizing! It doesn't actually happen, it's just mentioned, I promise /srs/gen

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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"And snacks are in the fridge," Etho said as he handed Joel a very soft blanket. "But you already know that."

Joel gave him a soft smile. "Thank you," he said. "I really appreciate it."

Etho smiled back, making Joel realize how much he missed that smile given it wasn't often that Etho was rid of a mask that covered his nose and mouth. "Anything for a pal." Joel felt it when Etho grimaced at the word 'pal.' "Kind of strange, isn't it?" Etho sat down on the sofa next to Joel. "Pals instead of... you know."

Joel nodded silently.

"Eh, but I think it's a bit better this way," Etho shrugged, leaning back against the sofa and resting his hands behind his head. "It's nice being just friends with someone." He glanced over at the brunette, who was sitting closer to the edge of the cushion and staring down at the blanket in his hands. "So, what happened? If you don't mind my asking."

"No, it's... fine," Joel sighed. "It's just a lot to unpack mentally." He let out a small laugh. "All of this happened so suddenly."

Etho hummed in acknowledgement. "Well, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," he said. "I was just wondering."

There was a beat of silence before Joel mumbled, "She really broke up with me."

He didn't have much time to process that Lizzie had actually broken up with him given he was overwhelmed with trying to find Grian. But now that he can think about it... ouch.

"Woah, Lizzie broke up with you?" Etho asked, sitting upright. "Now I really want to know what happened."

Joel glanced at Etho. "We got into a fight," he sighed. "I hit her in a rage, she broke up with me, and now..." He looked away again. "And now I'm not allowed to go back to my apartment until I'm eighteen because the police found out I've been living on my own the past two years."

Etho blinked, then frowned. "Dude, are you okay?" he asked sincerely.

Looking back up at Etho, Joel felt his eyes watering. "No," he murmured, his voice small. He covered his face with his hands. "I'm fucking stupid, that's what I am." He let out a weak sob into his palms and felt an arm curl around his shoulders. "I don't know how to fix this."

"Maybe... just talk to her?" Etho suggested. "I know it sounds kind of crazy coming from me, the grand social regect of Rivendell High, but..." He sighed. "I don't think it'll turn out that bad if you just tried to talk about it."

Joel looked at Etho. "I did try to talk to her when she broke up with me," he said. "I was..." He glanced away. "Well, maybe I wasn't exactly talking..." I was trying to just talk, though...

Etho snorted. "Look, just sleep on the idea, okay?" he said, standing up. "I don't want to keep you up too long, so I'll go back to my room now. Get some sleep, you look horrendous, you dork." He flicked Joel's forehead, and the brunette rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yeah, and you definitely don't look like you haven't slept in a week either," he joked.

"Shhh." Etho had a finger pressed to his lips as he walked away, giggling to himself as he waved goodnight.

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