♡°•★~Thanks for Reading★~•°♡

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Hello everyone! I wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, and a very special thank you to those who've been here since the very beginning to support me! The amount of popularity and love this book has gotten is absolutely insane, and I'm so happy to be able to share my writing with you all! It's more than an honour to be able to make other people smile, laugh, and feel things through my writing. /gen

For those of you who've been around for a while know by now that I'll be turning this into a series of books. At the moment, the second book is about half finished and still in the works, but I want to wait a little while before publishing it or even continuing to work on it, so I can focus on other books I'm writing. [Speaking of my other stories, you should totally go check those out /nf]. But I definitely will post the second book by autumn. /gen

But thank you all again for reading! I appreciate the feedback and the support! Love y'all <33

My Other Stories!

Stuck With You
A Memorable Halloween
A Cup of Coffee to Ease the Pain
A Mile In Another's Shoes
The Necromancer
Devour Me
Failure Obo
Petal's Diary

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