NINE. houston, we have a problem

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━━ AFTER RUNNING UP TO HER ROOM, Malia slammed the door and looked for a phone. She grabbed the white house phone and held it up to her ear. She remembered a few numbers that Darcy had used to talk to Wanda, so she dialed them rapidly.

The phone rang for about thirty seconds before she hung up with a frustrated groan. Malia tried to remember any numbers that would help her.

Tightly shutting her eyes, her grip on the phone tightened as she tried to remember anything helpful. It then dawned on her that in Wanda's Hex, she was much more powerful.

Malia then attempted to speak to anyone on the other side. At first, the only thing she heard was the birds outside her window.

Suddenly, she began to hear Monica's voice. She couldn't tell exactly what the woman was saying, but she could tell it was Monica.

"Monica, can you hear me?" Malia said aloud.

Monica continued to talk.


The woman silenced, Malia smiling.

"Monica, it's Malia. We're mentally connected right now. You're not being mind-controlled to hear this. I need you, Jimmy, and Darcy to tell me your phone number."

"888-511-5480." Monica replied as Malia dialed the number.

She said multiple mental prayers as the phone rang, crossing her fingers as someone picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Darcy's voice rang into Malia's ear.

"Darcy-" She let out with a relieved sigh. "Darcy, it's Malia. I'm in Wanda's Hex. It... Right now, it's eighties themed."

"Is she controlling you? Are we being controlled to hear this?"

"You're not being controlled, but she's probably gonna figure out that I'm talking to you, so I have to talk fast. That blonde woman we saw? Dottie? Her and her family are completely kidnapped. It's really bad. They feel what Wanda feels. All of the trauma, the grief, the pain... it's currently being ingrained into their heads."

"Do you feel it?" Jimmy questioned. "The trauma?"

"No, not yet. Even if she does, I think I could hold it off for a while. And- and- and Pietro's here." Malia's speech speed increased. "Pietro showed up at Wanda's house, but it's not- not normal. Something's wrong with this Pietro. I think... I think Wanda made him, but we saw him at the same time. She looked nervous. She felt nervous. I-"

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