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As I was chilling in Ms. Stroud's classroom, Don and Pink came to the door. "Sylv. Come on, skip out. Let's go get naked right now. Come on, let's go, let's go." Don whisper yells to me. I rolled my eyes and flipped him the bird. In his damn dreams. "Mr. Dawson." Ms. Stroud says coming up to him. "Yeah." He replies. "Why don't you take it somewhere else? Mr. Floyd, are you gracing us with your presence today?" She says in a sarcastic voice. "Uh might as well." Pink says and sits next to me. Then Don makes his like 10th attempt to hook up with Ms. Stroud. Lord almighty this kid. Ms. Stroud patted his head like a dog.

"Hey Pinky!" I said to brunette boy. "Hey Jeanne!" He responds using my middle name. "Didn't I tell you not to call me that?" I said with furrowed eyebrows. "Didn't I tell you that I don't care?" He says in a sassy voice. I kiss my teeth and roll my eyes. Ms. Stroud started rambling about the '69 DNC or something and how it was bitchin. I mean it's cool and all and the DNC is always boss but still. I don't really care.

"One more thing! This summer when you're being inundated with all this American Bicentennial Fourth of July brouhaha, don't forget you're celebrating the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes." Ms. Stroud says. "PREACH!" I shout as I walk out the door.

As I clean out my locker, Benny comes up beside me. "Hey Babydoll." He says leaning against the locker beside me. "Hey Casanova, what's up?" I respond and close my locker. "Wanna come with Melvin, O'Bannion, and me to go haze some freshmen?" He asked with an excited voice. God damn he really is excited. "Fuck it, sure." I said and shrugged. His smile got wide and he grabbed my hand and led me out to his truck. Melvin and O'Bannion were already in the truck waiting for him. "Let's go already!" O'Bannion says in a whiney voice. I roll my eyes and get in. His truck is just like my dads. I have to sit in the bed cause none of the boys will give up their seat.

Benny zooms over to the junior high and lines up his truck with a freshmen's. Those kids are so fucked. "Oo-wee! Ducks on the pond!" O'Bannion says while leaning out the window. "How ya doin boys?" Melvin says with a grin. They floor it and we chase them. I'm holding on for dear life back here. We cross over someone's front yard and I'm nearly thrown out of the truck. "Benny chill!" I yelled. "Sorry, princess!" He yells back. We keep chasing them till the car slows down and we slow down behind them. Two kids jump out and O'Bannion eagerly follows them. Yikessss!!! We zoom off once again. I blacked out after a while.

We end up in a parking lot and Benny and Pink are sitting in lawn chairs. I'm sitting on Benny's lap with my head against his chest. This is normal for us since I've been close friends with him forever but like this feels different. I don't know why.

"That's a hairline fracture." Don says and shows Pink the paddle. "Holy shit!" I said with wide eyes. "What did you do?" Don asks almost in awe. "I wouldn't doubt it! My boy, Benny, was wearin their asses out!" Melvin says and slaps Benny's hand. "Wait for real? I kind of blacked out after a while." I said looking up at Benny. "Yes m'am." He says and nods proudly. "Just givin them a little beatin they'll never forget." Benny says and we all laugh. "Here's to ya, ma." Pink says in weird voice. "That's your fuckin mother." Benny responds with a mouth full of beer. "Say, man, fuck the coaches, man. Do it for us." Melvin says and puts the pledge paper in Pink's hand. "You pick this thing up?" Pink asks. "Yeah." Melvin says and nods. "What are you doin? He ain't doin shit, man." Benny says in what I think is a serious voice. He rubs my back a little. "Any more details of my life you can let me in on, Ben?" Pink asks in a sarcastic voice. "I got lots of details." Benny says in a sure voice. I start dozing off on Benny's chest. Dude I didn't get my afternoon nap in. Benny notices and holds me closer.

I wake up but my eyes are still closed. "Hey Melvin, I think Sylvia is still asleep, can you drive to the baseball field so I don't have to wake her up?" Benny asks Melvin in a whisper voice. "Sure." Melvin whispers back. Benny picks me up and hops in the passenger seat and Melvin and O'Bannion get in on the other side. Free Ride starts playing and I wake up. "Good evening, Sylvy." Benny says and looks down at me with a smile. "Good evening, Benny Boy!" I say in a tired voice. I realize I'm still in his lap but I don't bother to move cause I'm comfortable.

"Ight, we're here." Melvin says and turns off the car. We all hop out and head to the stands. I sit on the grass behind the boys as they heckle the freshmen's. "Look out! Look out!" O'Bannion shouts. "Hey, batter, batter, swing!" Benny shouts. "Hey! Kramer one more pitch! You better get this kid out, or we're really gonna beat your ass!" O'Bannion shouts at the poor kid. "We're gonna beat you like a runnin mule!" Benny shouts. This poor kid will get the beating of a lifetime. "Hey Kramer, quit stallin. Let's go!" O'Bannion yells at the kid. "Hope you got more than a jock strap under there, you little rat!" Benny yells. What does that even mean?? "What are you lookin at? Keep your head in the game! Concentrate!" O'Bannion heckles the kid even more. Oh shit they called ball game. He's about to get beat. Oh dear lord. Thank god Jodi agreed to bring me extra clothes to the Emporium cause this skirt keeps riding up and I keep almost flashing the boys. "Good game, good game!" Benny shouts. "Way to go buddy!" O'Bannion shouts too. We all start walking and follow the freshman's. Damn my legs feel really cold. Benny comes up and slaps my ass. "Benny, what the hell?" I say. "Your skirts riding up, sweetheart!" Benny shouts.

They keep heckling the kid as they walk. "Aw, what happened to your buds?" They say in a fake sympathetic voice. "Come on let's get this guy." Melvin says tapping O'Bannion. They start shouting his name. Poor Mitch. Pink got caught up with some old folks. The boys catch up to kid and WOOH lordy mighty did they get that kid. Melvin cracked that kid so hard he jumped. Pink finally catches up. "Pink, dude, you missed all the action." I said. "What's up!" Melvin and Benny greet pink. "Where are you headed off to now?" Pink asks. "The point. Gonna join us?" Melvin says. "Yeah, see you up there." Pink says. "Need you to sign my paddle later." Benny says and puts Mitch's hat back on his head. I patted the kids shoulder and said, "Good luck on recovery, buddy." and walked away with Benny.

Benny slung his arm around my shoulder. "So, Ms. Sylvy Jeanne, I got a question for you." He says. "And what might that be?" I ask looking at him. "You got an eye on any boys? Specifically tall, red headed ones who play football." He says with a sly smile. "Maybe. What's it to you?" I say with a smirk. "Oh nothing." He says and grins.

☮︎︎-𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚜-☮︎︎ - a dazed and confused storyWhere stories live. Discover now