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Benny and I walked over to a pool table where Simone was. "Hey girl!" I said and waved. "Hey Sylvia! How ya been?" She asks. "Mighty fine, how bout you?" I respond. "Meh. Pink has been distant as shit. Hey Benny, has Pink said anything to you?" Simone asks Benny. "Not that I recall." Benny says in the most fake way possible. Everyone BUT Simone knows that Pink and Jodi have a thing. Still love her though cause entertaining. Benny and Simone started playing pool while I watched. Pink, Don, Pickford, and Mitch came back. I walked over to them. "What have y'all hooligans been up to?" I ask leaning against the wall. "Well we played mailbox baseball, Don "stole" beer which turned out to be bullshit, an old dude pulled a gun on us, and we got away." Pink explains non-chalantly. I just stood there with my jaw on the floor. "NO WAY!" I said still shocked. "Mhm." Don says and nods proudly. "Hey Mitch, have you seen my little sister or anything? They got you and Sabrina so I was thinking they might've picked up Liz." I said. "No I haven't but I'll tell you if I see her or any of the Mystery Inc.." He says and smiles. The "Mystery Inc." is what we call Maureen, Heather, George, and Liz. They're like the gang on Scooby Doo. Liz is Shaggy, Heather is Daphne, Maureen is Velma, and George is Fred. "Thanks kid." I say and side hug him. "Later dudes." I say and head back to Benny.

"Who's winning?" I ask them. "Benny." Simone says and sighs. "Good job, Ben." I say and kiss him on the cheek. I keep watching them with O'Bannion's loud ass shit talk in the background. God he's such an ass. I watch as Mitch whispers something in Julies ear then signals something out the door. "So did you hear they're busting Carl Burnett out back?" Julie asks her friend. "Woah woah what did you say?" O'Bannion asks. "About what?" Julie asks. "Carl Burnett." He responds quickly. "I just heard he's getting busted, I don't know." She says and shrugs then walks away. What is happening??? "Benny they got Burnett out back." He tells Benny and taps him. "Carl Burnett." Benny asks. "Yeah they got him." He responds. "Let's go let's go." He says and tries to rush him out. "Gimme 2, 3 minutes and let me finish this game." Benny says and O'Bannion leaves. Then Don proceeds to give the worst advice ever to Mitch. I walk over to Mitch and tell him, "Don't listen to Don. He don't know shit. Don't make it obvious that you really like her but let her know that you care, man. Don't act high and mighty. Got it?" I said. He nodded. I smiled and walked outside.

I stood with Pink and all them watching Carl about to get his ass beat. "Did yall hear this little motherfucker's mom pulled a shotgun on me this afternoon?" O'Bannion says. God this shot is fucked. "Woody, I think that kids gonna die." I say and snicker a little. "Mhm." He says watching it go down. Benny comes out and stands behind me. "This first lick is dedicated to your mother. Fucker!" He says and prepared to swing. Paint starts getting poured all over him. "Remember me, you pig?" The ginger from earlier calls out. They start squealing like pigs and dump paint all over the dude. O'Bannion then proceeds to throw a hissy fit like a little baby. "What are you smiling at, freshman f*ggot, huh?" O'Bannion says to Mitch and shoves him. "Hey fuck off, MAN CHILD!" I say with emphasis on the "man child". "SHUT UP SLUT!" He says to me. I then proceed to punch him in the face. He calls to the ground. I put my foot on his chest and say, "Try some shit again and the next thing you'll see is the inside of a coffin, bitch.". I walk back inside. Benny follows me inside.

"Damn S, that was hot." He says and slings his arm around me to kiss me on the cheek. "I know." I say proudly. "Oh do you now?" He says with a smirk. He grabs my waist and puts me up on an empty pool table. He kisses me and I put my arms around his neck. "Get a fucking room!" Pickford yells. I flip him off and keep kissing Benny. We pull away and I lean my head on his chest. "Hey Cowgirl, wanna set up with us at the moon tower?" Wooderson asks me. "No thanks, Chief, I think I'm gonna go with Benny and Melvin. Love you tho!" I say with a smile. "Love you too, kid!" He says and leaves with Slater. Benny cocks his eyebrow at me. "Oh don't you go gettin all jealous, Benny, he's like my big brother. He's best friends with Teresa." I say. "Fine. I think he's a creep but I'll make an exception for you." He says. "For me? Why thank you." I say wiping a fake tear. "Aw come on let's go to the Moon Tower." He says and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

I hop in the car with Benny and Melvin and Rock N' Roll All Nite by KISS comes on. Mid-way Wooderson and Benny race each other to the lot. I haven't gotten my change of clothes from Jodi yet! Shit! I guess I'll change at the Moon Tower. We parked and got out. Benny and Melvin set up the chairs in the bed of his truck then Melvin went off to go mingle or whatever. "Hey Benny I'm gonna see if I can get those change of clothes from Jodi, okay?" I tell Benny. He nods and I go off to find Jodi. I spot her with Shavonne, Kaye, and Sabrina. "Hey girls!" I say and hug all of them. "Jodi, do you happen to have the change of clothes I asked you for?" I asked. "Yes m'am!" She says and hands me sleeveless crop top that ties in the front and short shorts. "I question your choices but thank you anyways, doll." I say with a soft smile. "Of course, babes!" She says and hugs me. I walk back to Benny's truck. "Hey Benny I gotta change in the truck, can you make sure no creeps peep in or nothing?" I ask. "Yup!" He says and smiles. I hop in the truck and change my clothes. I hop out and walk to the bed of the truck. Benny wolf whistles. I give him the "are you fuckin serious?" look. He just gives a sly smile. I hop up and sit in his lap.

Balinese starts playing over a speaker. Melvin comes over and hops up and starts dancing. "Mel you look like a jive turkey." I say and giggle. "You're just mad cause you're a closet disco queen and won't show anyone your skills, Sylvy." He says with his hands on his hips. "Aw shush." I say and roll my eyes. "Come on, Ms. O'Donnell, show us your moves!" He says. "Ms- what now?" I ask. He rolls his eyes and yanks me up from Benny's lap. I start dancing freely. I sway my hips and spin around. I sit back on Benny's lap when I get tired. "Sylvia, why don't you show me those moves later tonight?" Benny whispers in my year. I turn as red as a fire truck and cover my mouth. I start swaying my hips in Benny's lap and Benny pulls me in tighter. I know what I'm doing. Hehehe! I on and hang out with Mike, Cynthia, and Tony.

"Hey Maniac Brainiacs." I say with my arms wide open. "Sylvia!" They all shout with big smiles. "Girl, I have not seen you all night!" Cynthia says. "Well I got news for you!" I say. "Ooh what?" Tony asks. "I got a boyfriend!" I say doing a little dance. "Who?" Mike asks. "Benny." I say with wide grin. "Nice catch, dude." Cynthia says and side hugs me. "I'm gonna get that guy." Mike says in a paranoid voice. "What guy?" Cynthia asks. "That asshole on the way in. Clint. That super dominant male in a 50s greaser uniform." Mike says frustrated. "I wouldn't suggest that, Mike." Tony says. "Me neither." I agree. "Look man, I got it all planned out. Most fights at places like this never get past a punch or two before they're broken up. There's an almost natural instinct not to upset the herd. So all I gotta do is get in one good punch, play defense and wait." Mike says like he's some genius. "What?" Tony and I say. "What are you talking about?" Cynthia asks. "At first, I was relieved to get out of the situation, but now there's this level of humiliation settling in that's gonna be with my for fucking ever! I'm not gonna let this be another situation which contributes to me being a little ineffectual nothing the rest of my life, you know?" Mike says completely out of his mind. "No, I don't know." I say. We just laugh at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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☮︎︎-𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚜-☮︎︎ - a dazed and confused storyWhere stories live. Discover now