Chapter 1

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A/N This fic is co-written with jentaylord and is our first Grey's fanfic and was originally posted on I hope you all enjoy, please read and review

Jo awoke to the sound of the shower running. She smiled and stretched, smacking Alex in the face.

"What the hell?" He asked angrily.

"You're in bed?" She seemed confused.

"Where else would I be?"

"I thought you were in the shower!"

"It's probably Mer." Alex sighed and tried to go back to sleep.

"Of course." Jo huffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. I'm going downstairs." Jo said, storming away angrily.

Arizona was already sitting at the kitchen table when Jo walked in. She sipped a cup of coffee while reading the morning paper and smiled as she saw Jo.

"Good morning." Arizona said cheerfully.

"Any coffee left?" Jo asked, ignoring Arizona's politeness.

"Just finished the pot, sorry. I can put some more on if you -"

"It's fine I got it." Jo walked over and put some more coffee on.

Meredith entered as the coffee was finally ready and poured herself a cup before Jo had the chance.

"You put the coffee on?" Meredith asked Arizona.

"I did." Jo interrupted.

"Oh, thanks. At my house I'm usually the one that puts it on, I almost forgot other people knew how to make it." Meredith half-joked. Arizona snicked into her coffee cup while Jo ignored her completely.

"You guys need a ride in?" Alex asked as he entered the kitchen.

"My car's still at the hospital -" Meredith began.

"So is mine. I'll bring it home tonight." Arizona said.

"Not a problem, be ready in 5." Alex said as he walked outside.

The car ride in was awkward to say the least. Meredith and Arizona sat quietly in the back sipping coffee while Jo and Alex bickered in the front. Arizona and Meredith kept their mouths shut, knowing it would make things worse if they said anything; they were the reasons for the fight after all.

As Alex pulled into the hospital parking lot, Meredith and Arizona got out of the car as soon as they could. Jo was about to walk into the hospital when Alex pulled her aside.

"What the hell was that?" He questioned.

"What the hell was what Alex?" She replied and crossed her arms.

"Look, I get you don't love having them around but you don't have to be like this. They're my family Jo."

"I thought I was your family."

"You are but that doesn't mean you can get away with whatever you want. You can't talk about them like they aren't there!"

"I don't want them in our house Alex, I've tried to be nice but I can't keep doing it. Meredith has her own house, Arizona can afford her own place they don't have a reason to be at our house."

"Arizona doesn't want to be alone, can you blame her? Did you like living on your own."

"Don't you dare try to-"

"And Mer, she goes home and all her and Derek do is fight. All she ever talks about is how awful things are between them and as much as I hate hearing about it I want to help. They're my people so if I can help them I will."

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