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Especially after talking about one of my many mistakes last chapter, I feel like I need change the subject towards grace. After all, sin and God's grace are both interconnected. I do not claim to understand everything about grace, but I know that it is important. Therefore, I wanted to devote an entire chapter to it and write about how I have experienced God's grace. 

When I write in this blog, sometimes I feel like I'm writing about me, me, me. I write about my story, my thoughts, my feelings, and it makes me feel selfish. However, I would like to state that my life is not really mine at all. I want God to be the author of my story, and I see His hand guiding me through my everyday life. That is why I write about my experiences. I do not write in hope that I will be given attention, but, instead, that Jesus is given the attention he deserves. 

Look, I am just a flawed, sinful human being. Without God, I would probably be in hell. Not because I was condemned there, but because I wandered there, thinking "it would be fun." Luckily, God has helped out, and I seem to be on earth still. However, my point in case is that I am nothing without God, and it was Jesus's sacrifice that made this relationship possible. 

Jesus is the epitome of grace. He died for our sins not because He had sinned, but because we have. It is not fair. It never has been. I do not deserve any of this treatment that God has given me. Not the forgiveness, not the hope, not the love, not the blessings- none of it. Yet God has grace. 

I saw a quote online one time, and I ended up writing it on a piece of paper and sticking it in my bible. Though I do not remember who said it first, it states, "Satan knows your name, but he calls you by your sin. But God knows your sin, He calls you by your name."

That is grace beyond words, my friends. There is nothing like it on earth, for everything to be suddenly wiped clean. To be a criminal one day and a son of God the next? That is beyond the human capacity to understand. It is this inexplicable gift that was given to us by Jesus. How could we ever repay him? 

For a moment, I want you to think of the closest comparison I can imagine. (Which still does not serve justice.) I read the following scenario in one of my recent devotions that I read daily from a bible app, and I put a little spin on it.

Imagine that you are a parent. You watch your beloved child, let's call her "Tilly," grow, fall, and get back up again. You see her becoming her own person. Pretend that it is Christmas, and you decide to buy your child a skateboard. You are so excited, positive that little Tilly will love your gift. You can't wait to see the look of pure joy on her face and to see her pride when she learns something new. 

The long-awaited day finally arrives, and Tilly rips open her paper, full of anticipation. She sees the skateboard, and immediately runs to her room. Quickly, she comes out with her piggy bank and begins to pile dollar bills out in front of you. 

How would you feel? I would feel rather misunderstood.

When you ask Tilly why she is paying you, she replies, "But mom (or dad) I broke that vase you really loved last week, and I lied to you about it. I know we talked about, but I can't accept a gift now. I don't deserve it." 

First, hands off to you, Tilly's parent, you have raised a very considerate, selfless child. Regardless, if my child told me this, I would be tempted to give them a big hug. I would tell them that we already settled that problem and that I have forgiven them. I did not, I would reassure Tilly, give her that gift to receive something in return, but instead, to show her my love. 

The same applies to God. He did not give us the gift of His son because we deserved it. He does not give us unending grace when dealing with our shortcomings because He wants us to do something for him. No, it is all because He loves us. Period. 

I, for one, find myself hauling around guilt and baggage over my past, but God calls me to set myself free. Just like you would not want your child to live in despair or regret over a past mistake, God does not us to remain captive to our sin. 

He gives you grace. Accept it. Don't go get your piggy bank. Forget about the vase. The past in the past. 

(I really need to listen to my own advice more.)

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I saw an excellent movie tonight that inspired me to write this. It is called The Resurrection of Gavin Stone. I highly recommend you check it out. 

Colossians 3:13 "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."

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