Chapter 6: The Village and the Hero

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As I was writing the story I realized I was listening to a lot of music scores and I typically like reading while listening to them. So I came up with an idea to provide you with music that you can listen to while reading my story.

I made a Spotify playlist that will have a new addition to it as the story goes along. The sixth song on the playlist corresponds to this chapter. :)

You can find it here:

After travelling for hours Minato could finally see the outlines of Konoha, the place he once called his home, the place that he swore to protect, the place that at one point in time held so much significance to him, where he fell in love and where he believed everything was possible. But believing doesn't always change the harsh reality of things, this village was no longer the same, even from the distance it looked different and the realization that he hasn't been there to see it grow had donned on him. But no matter how beautiful and peaceful Konoha looked from afar it held onto so many dark secrets that were bound to bubble up on the surface one day.

From what Minato gathered from the young Uchiha many things in the village have gone off the rails, making the Fourth Hokage regret how he left this world the last time. The truth is he felt guilty, if he had just listened to Kushina and stayed alive none of the horrible things would happen, he wouldn't have let them happen! But he wasn't there, he left this world 13 years ago. That feeling of dread donned on him, he felt a twisted feeling of rage mixed with regret and sadness. 

The Uchiha being slaughtered by one of their own, Orochimaru's attack on the Leaf, the Akatsuki snooping around and threatening the safety of Naruto and Naruto, oh god, Naruto! Minato still couldn't comprehend the way his son, his only child, his hope and light was tortured and broken to the point where escape from his only home was an option. How could the Third let this all happen? The Yondaime was fuming, this was unfair and he had to get to the bottom of this. He really wished he could question the old man, but what use of it now? 

The Third Hokage was now dead, so Minato's only hope was to talk with the newly appointed Tsunade. Apparently, she was like a grandmother to Naruto, that thought reassured Minato ever so slightly. At least his son had a few precious people. But sadly even that was not enough and that last mission he went on really pushed the young blonde to the edge. From what the Uchiha relayed to Minato, Naruto just snapped. That change in character was so sudden, it took everyone by surprise. It was horrific, the once positive blonde-haired boy with the brightest grin now stood in the middle of the village amongst bodies of dead ANBU and the villagers. His once warm ocean blue eyes were now cold and full of hatred like ice daggers piercing through your heart. It was like he wanted to make everyone feel the pain he felt by just glaring at them. And then he just left, he left as if it was nothing, leaving everything and everyone he once held dear behind.

Minato's blood froze upon hearing Sasuke's story, pain and despair creeping into his chest. His son endured immense emotional and physical hell, he could understand what pushed him over the edge and he would be sure to punish everyone responsible for that, but first things first he had to find his son before it was indeed too late.

While the Namikaze and the young Uchiha were consumed by their thoughts, they approached the enormous red gates, Konoha's signature leaf symbol adorning the top. They looked just like Minato remembered a feeling of nostalgia rushing through him.

"Halt! Who are you and what mission are you returning from?" – Minato and Sasuke turned towards the direction the voice came from and saw two shinobi in their 20s, one was a brunette with a blue bandana and the other one had black spiky hair.

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