As I was writing the story I realized I was listening to a lot of music scores and I typically like reading while listening to them. So I came up with an idea to provide you with music that you can listen to while reading my story.
I made a Spotify playlist that will have a new addition to it as the story goes along. The seventh song on the playlist corresponds to this chapter. :)
You can find it here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2otIKWcR3th5fkswnUDXNe?si=67f0ff1aa8a1408d
The sun just started crawling up the horizon, the streaks of light slowly illuminating the ground waking up nature from its deep nighttime slumber. Despite what many believed Naruto liked mornings, morning and late night, were the only times the boy was ever free, free from the glares and violence he had to swallow during the day. While night brought peace and cleared his thoughts, the morning brought a sense of hope and comfort for the young boy.
Maybe it was the fact that morning always came, the sun always rose, and the world would always wake up from the darkness of the night. Perhaps the morning would come for Naruto too, the day when the darkness within his soul would dissipate replaced by the warm light. Perhaps one day he would feel truly alive, truly at peace, truly happy. However, as the blond boy slowly observed the burning orb of the sun, rise above the horizon, he knew today would not be that day.
Today was special though, it was the day he would finally start his long-term plan and who knows maybe if he manages to survive, he would one day reach his ultimate dream of inner peace. But for now, he had to achieve his goals no matter what and he was planning on doing exactly that as he staked out the location the two Akatsuki members would be at according to the snake-creep Orochimaru.
The night before Naruto set up a few traps here and there to startle the Akatsuki long enough to have a conversation with them. The blond also prepared and sharpened all his weapons. It was the Akatsuki after all, he had to keep his cool and having everything prim & proper helped him focus. It has been a few hours since he perched up in the trees above the spot the Akatsuki were supposed to pass through, and he was slowly losing patience. Now, Naruto wouldn't call himself impatient after he had suffered through years of beatings and still managed to keep up the façade of an obnoxious dead-last despite the bruises under his clothes and the immense emotional damage brewing in his soul. That took a hell of a lot of patience thought the boy to himself, a grim look on his face. He was soon snapped back to reality as he felt two chakra signatures approach the tree he was perched up on. Things were about to get exciting.
The two figures wearing black cloaks adorned with red clouds slowly approached one of the traps that Naruto set up. Through the tree branches, he was able to get a closer look at them, one had a slightly leaner build had long blonde hair tied in a high ponytail while the other was tall and had broader shoulders had jet black hair and wore a weird orange swirly mask. Naruto couldn't pick up on the conversation the two were having but the blond guy was seemingly annoyed by his overexcited teammate. The latter acted childish, prancing around and inching closer and closer to Naruto's trap. The young blond smiled in anticipation.
"DEIDARAAAAA!!!!" a sudden scream erupted as the trap was set in place as the orange-mask guy fell into the deep trench
"TOBI! YOU MORON" the blond whose name was Deidara hissed back
"How many times did I tell you to be focused! I swear I'm gonna..." but he didn't have time to finish his rant as a strong gust of wind slammed him into a nearby tree.
"What the..?" Deidara yelled out as he noticed a young blond boy standing in the clearing
"WHAT HAPPENED DEIDARA??" he heard TOBI yell out as he was still stuck in that trap

I saw it all (Naruto Fan-fiction)
FanfictionFor 13 years Minato Namikaze has been watching...he saw it all. The village that he once called home was now his son's personal nightmare. He saw everything yet he could never interfere for the dead cannot exist among the living. But when the last...