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First Lady of the Crown Prince Chapter 41: Be alone
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  Chapter 41 Being Alone

Gu Jiao never imagined that in her previous life, she had gone through college entrance examinations, postgraduate entrance examinations, and postgraduate entrance examinations, and finally hatched from high pressure. She had to start with a primary school chicken for her first life, and she was still the field that she was least good at-writing brushes. .

  Gu Jiao Ling is damn, the whole person is not good anymore.

  Although the beauty is on the side and the beauty can be eaten, she shouldn't practice the brush, don't don't!

  "Learn from your name first." Xiao Liulang said.

  His voice is between the voice of a teenager and a mature man. There is no ugly drake throat, but a clean low moist.

  Gu Jiao was a little resistant and incompetent, she opened her eyes wide and silently watched him write her name on the paper.

  It's not the same as the one signed on the surgical consent form earlier, this time it seems to be more tidy.

  But Gu Jiao still doesn't understand.

  Gu Jiao was opposite Xiao Liulang. From her point of view, the words were upside down. Xiao Liulang turned the paper upside down so that Gu Jiao could take a closer look.

  After that, he wrote the strokes and the order of the strokes one by one on the paper.

  Gu Jiao looks at so many strokes, her head is big.

  This is neither a traditional Chinese character nor a small seal big seal in official script, but a font that she is completely unfamiliar with.

   Xiao Liulang saw Gu Jiao awkwardly holding the brush awkwardly, and said, "The posture of holding the pen is wrong. Move your hand up a bit and don't make your wrists too rigid."

   "Is that so?" Gu Jiao adjusted according to his explanation.

  Gu Jiao's pen holding posture was actually considered standard in her previous life, but it was a bit inadequate in front of Xiao Liulang, an ancient person.

  "Index finger." Xiao Liulang said.

   "Huh?" Gu Jiao was puzzled.

  Xiao Liulang hesitated for a moment, reached out the slender fingertips, and gently moved her index finger upwards.

  If he did this on other occasions, Gu Jiao said, "He touched my fingertips, rounding it up is a hand in hand." But he was teaching her to read, and rounding up meant class. Gu Jiao was always very serious in class.

  Gu Jiao took off her shoes, sat cross-legged across from him, stroked each stroke, and began to practice seriously.

  Xue Ningxiang was waiting in the hall. She didn't understand how Gu Jiao went in for so long. The letter is not long, so do you have to read it for so long?

  Where did Xue Ningxiang know that the two people in the room had completely forgotten the letter, one reading and the other practicing calligraphy.

  Xiao Liulang occasionally corrects Gu Jiao's pen holding posture. As for her writing is good or not, he doesn't force it. After all, the first time I hold a pen, it is not bad whether I can write on the outside of the paper.

  If Gu Jiao knew what he was thinking, she was afraid that she would jump up and run away. How could it be her first time holding a brush!

  Gu Jiao's memory is still very good. She can write those complicated strokes only once, but the writing is too ugly and a bit horrible.

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