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First Lady of the Crown Prince Chapter 451: Queen Mother (two more)
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  Chapter 451 Queen Mother (two more)

  The matter of King Ning was so important that it humiliated the entire imperial family. The emperor tried his best to suppress the news and even treated Yuantang with kindness and courage, hoping that he would be tight-lipped about this incident.

  Yuantang's mouth was up and down, and the emperor couldn't control it secretly.

  Unless Yuantang is killed, the gap here is infallible. However, the emperor is not a tyrant at all, and is far inferior to the empress dowager Zhuang and the first emperor in terms of means.

  The emperor told King Rui to keep his mouth shut. The two were the most honest, and they really wouldn’t say it if they agreed.

  After that, the emperor asked Long Yingwei to capture King Ning’s confidant Qi Fei, and gave it to Duke Wei. Whether he was tortured or coerced, he had to ask about what happened four years ago.

  Duke Wei tossed for a whole day and night. When he came back to his life, his hair was messed up. He tidied his posture outside the door.

   "Okay, come in!" the emperor said impatiently.

  Gonggong Wei entered the house and waited for the emperor for many years. The master-servant relationship had long been extremely deep. He looked at the emperor with complex expressions, and he stopped talking.

   "Say." The emperor said, "I can bear it."

  Duke Wei sighed: "The murderer four years ago was indeed His Royal Highness King Ning."

  The cup in the hands of the emperor smashed to the ground and smashed with a bang.


   "It's not good! It's not good, my mother! Your Majesty is going to abolish King Ning!"

  In Yongshou Palace, a court lady rushed in with a skirt carrying her skirt. Concubine Zhuang changed her color suddenly, and she turned around and went to Huaqing Palace.

She knelt on the ground with King Ning. King Ning seemed to be crushed by the blow, and her entire face was as gray as death. Concubine Zhuang walked to the emperor's knees, grabbed the hem of the emperor's clothes, choked and begged: "Your Majesty! Don't give up Han'er! Han'er is your own son...you watched growing up little by little...At that time there was only Han'er in the Six Princes' Mansion...Have you forgotten how much your Majesty hurt Han'er?"

  She burst into tears!

Isn't the emperor sad?

  The son belongs to him, and he did not pick it up from the side of the road!

  Only King Ning grew up by his side among so many children. He personally pulled him and became the prince of a country. He changed diapers, bathed, fed, and taught him homework.

   King Ning’s first smile was given to him, and King Ning’s first step was also towards him.

  At that time, just because he was an idle prince, there was no big deal in his hands, and accompanying the eldest son to grow up almost became the most meaningful thing in his life.

  Later, he became emperor.

   Later, he had Queen Xiao and many children.

  The eldest son is still the most special existence in his heart, but he is not the only thing he cares about.

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