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Home » First Lady of the Crown Prince FLOTCP » Chapter 601: The Wrath of Xuanping Hou (two more)
First Lady of the Crown Prince Chapter 601: The Wrath of Xuanping Hou (two more)
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  Chapter 601 The Fury of Xuanping Hou (two more)

  The car overturned too fast, like a tornado.

  Anjun Wang stayed next door for so long and there was no fire in the backyard. He just walked down for Liu Yisheng and burned his brows.

  Clear space, clear space, you can really cheat me.

  Here, Gu Jiao wondered how to coax her mate, on the other hand, Xiao Heng was declared into the palace by Empress Xiao.


  Xiao Heng saluted Empress Xiao.

   "There are no outsiders here, don't be polite, come and sit down." Empress Xiao said to Xiao Heng.

  Xiao Heng Yiyan sat down beside Empress Xiao.

   Empress Xiao looked at the slightly frowned brows inadvertently, and asked: "What's wrong with A Heng? She doesn't seem very happy. Are you worried about your mother?"

  "My mother?" Xiao Heng spent the whole night in the Xing Department, still not knowing about Princess Xinyang.

  Queen Xiao asked: "Don't you know? Your mother fainted at the gate of the palace yesterday. I asked you to come over just to ask how she was doing."

   Although she and Princess Xinyang do not like each other, it is Xiao Heng's mother.

  A trace of worry flashed across Xiao Heng's eyes: "I don't know. I have been in the Criminal Department yesterday. I didn't go to my mother's side. I'll take a look later."

   Empress Xiao grabbed his wrist: "Don't worry, I have one more thing to tell you."


  Xuan Pinghou did not sleep late today, and got up early and went to Zhuque Street.

  A few carriages accidentally parked in front of Princess Xinyang’s house.

  This is very strange. After all, Princess Xinyang has almost no visitors except Gu Jiao and Xiao Heng, and these luxurious carriages are obviously not small couples.

  The coachman took the wheelchair down: "Master Hou."

  Xuan Pinghou frowned.

  The coachman hurriedly said, “Dr. Gu ordered it. She said that if you don’t sit down, you can tell Master Xiao.”

  Xuan Pinghou got into the wheelchair with a black face.

  As soon as he had just sat on it, a noisy voice came from Xinyang Princess’s yard.

   Immediately afterwards, Yujin and a few little maids in the yard walked out carrying large and small bags.

  While she walked, she turned her head back and said to someone: “You should take these things back. We understand the old princess’s wishes, and we won’t accept the gifts.”

A wealthy mother followed, surrounded by several maids. She blocked the gift that Yu Jin was going to return with her hand, and said with a smile: "These are the old princess's intentions, and they came here specially from the seal. How can I not accept it!"

Yujin smiled politely: "Mother Gui, I really can't accept it. The princess has just taken up the post of prison of the country. Madam Gui also understands that the princess has to be more cautious in her current status. She once told us, no matter who came to give gifts. I will never accept it."

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