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First Lady of the Crown Prince Chapter 116: Drunk (one more)
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  Chapter 116 Drunk (one more)

Xiao Liulang hired the fastest carriage and arrived in Qingquan Town at the end of August.

  When passing by Tianxiang Academy, Feng Lin first moved his luggage back to his dormitory, and ran into Dean Li after he came out.

   Dean Li was surprised to see him: "Huh? Why so fast? Didn't you go to the village examination? You didn't catch up or what happened? What about Liulang?"

   "Catch up! We'll be back after the exam! That... I'll tell you later, Liu Lang is waiting for me outside, goodbye dean!" Feng Lingan said with a smile, and ran away in a hurry!

  Who doesn't know that Xiao Liulang is Dean Li's baby bump, don't slip away a little faster, Dean Li can pull him to ask the sky dimly.

  Feng Lin swishes into the carriage.

   "What's wrong?" Xiao Liulang asked.

   "President Li!" Feng Lin said, "Don't be caught by him, you won't be able to get home after asking for a while!"

  Xiao Liulang was very satisfied, and urged the coachman to rush the carriage back to the village.

  The money for the car was settled as early as in the provincial capital, but the coachman followed them all the way to be a coachman and a small servant. It was hard work and hard work. Xiao Liulang gave him another one or two.

  The coachman was flattered and hurriedly bowed his hands.

   "Be careful on the road." Xiao Liulang said.

   "Hey! Thank you, Young Master Xiao!" The driver happily got into the carriage.

  What they get in their business is hard money. Don't look at the money that has really fallen into your own hands for more than a month. With these two, the life at home will be much better next month!

  Xiao Liulang and Feng Lin walked to the village.

  When they left the village at the end of June, the late rice in the village had just been planted, just sparsely small rice seedlings, and now the whole length is a green patch.

   "Wow! The wheat in your village is growing really well!"

  The weather is abnormal this year, the rain is scarce, and the farmland is dry, causing many crops to die in the land. They walked all the way from the provincial capital, witnessing it with their own eyes, and were shocked in their hearts.

  However, the crops in Qingquan Village do not seem to have been affected by the drought, and they grow strong.

   "It's rice." Xiao Liulang corrected him, but the same doubts flashed in his heart, why did the crops in his village grow so well?

   "Oh." Feng Lin replied, and suddenly pointed to the front, "Look! Drains! Not bad, you have dug drains in your village! It's different after changing the inside!"

After Mr. Gu stepped down, the village chose a new Lizheng. The second uncle Luo is a family member. It is said that he is about to be out of the fifth service, but because he lives close, the two families move a lot, so the relationship is still close.

  Luo Li is ignorant of the fact that his father is educated, but he is a practical man. He will help out any folks in the village who have difficulties.

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