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Home » First Lady of the Crown Prince FLOTCP » Chapter 476: Play fine baby (two more in one)
First Lady of the Crown Prince Chapter 476: Play fine baby (two more in one)
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  Chapter 476 Play fine baby (two more in one)

  The sudden cry made Gu Jinyu feel at a loss.

Mother Fang was also taken aback by the cry.

  I don’t know how Gu Jinyu abused this child, crying so heartbreaking!

  The mother of the room was rubbing a diaper, her hands were wet, and it was not easy to pick up the child, so she said to Gu Jinyu: "You put the little boy in the cradle first."

Gu Jinyu rushed to release the child. The child was crying too hard. Every sound seemed like someone was piercing him with a needle. Gu Jinyu was so panicked that one of them couldn't stabilize, and stepped on the base of the cradle, and tripped on the bottom of her foot. The whole person rushed forward, and the child in her hand also fell out——

   "Ah—" She paled!

  She wanted to catch the child, but unfortunately it was too late, and she fell firmly to the ground.

  She fell sore all over her body. One can imagine the terrible consequences of a newborn baby falling to the ground.

  At the moment of death, a blue figure flashed in and caught the baby who was about to fall on the ground at an extremely fast speed.

  The little guy fell into a warm embrace, and the cry stopped abruptly.

  The little guy opened his dark eyes and looked at the strange intruder without blinking.

  Sister Fang let out a long sigh of relief: "Second Young Master!"

  Gu Jinyu reluctantly helped the cradle to stand up, and whispered: "Second brother."

  Gu Chengfeng squeezed the little guy’s face, nodded to the mother, looked at Gu Jinyu, frowned and said, "Will you hold the child?"

  Gu Jinyu flushed with aggrieved eyes: "I didn't mean it, I didn't stand firm..."

  Gu Chengfeng originally had no feelings for Gu Jinyu, not like it, but not disgusting, and mostly ignored.

  Now I look at her again, somehow, I always compare her with Gu Jiao from time to time, and I feel that Gu Jinyu is a little far behind.

  If Gu Jiao was in the room today, she said nothing would fall to the child.

Gu Chengfeng ignored Gu Jinyu. He put the little guy into the cradle, opened the swaddle and looked at the little guy’s diaper, and found that the diaper was wet. He took a clean diaper from the table and put it on the little guy numbly. Up.

  The speed of changing diapers made the mother sigh.

  The little guy seemed to be very comfortable after being replaced, and his little eyes narrowed with enjoyment.

  Gu Chengfeng’s baby clothes are better than Fangmao.

  Who gave him a pair of thief hands? The flexibility of these hands is no less than the hands of a top surgeon.

  Of course, I always took care of Gu Chenglin when I was young, and took care of it with a little experience.

Seeing that the second son is so good at taking care of others, the mother-in-law was relieved to rub diapers. After she rubbed, she would take all the diapers and clothes to the backyard for washing.

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