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First Lady of the Crown Prince Chapter 326: Like (two more)
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  Chapter 326 Like (two more)

  Anjun Wang was seriously injured and fainted.

  Tao Fu Zhuang was angry and anxious, and almost lost his breath.

  Is his own grandson, he can't really leave people here, no matter how angry Mrs. Zhuang is, he has to let people bring King An back to the mansion first.

  The housekeeper hurriedly brought the government doctor to treat the wound for King An.

  The medicinal properties in the Anjun King's body have passed, and the reason for being unconscious is mainly caused by the injury on the thigh and excessive blood loss.

"Oh, I hurt my left leg a few days ago, and now I hurt my right leg again... This is really..." The government doctor didn't know what to say. I'm afraid King An had never suffered this severely when Chen Guo was hostage. Isn't it hurt? Day by day, why did you go?

  A pot of blood was taken out of the house by the servants, and the entire yard seemed to be filled with a huge **** atmosphere.

  Tao Fu Zhuang couldn't stay outside the door, so he walked into the room and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

   "Oh." The doctor said while cleaning the wound for King An, "The knife was pierced too deeply, and the bones can be seen clearly. I'm afraid it will not be easy to heal, and the weather is so hot..."

  In a hot day, the wound will become inflamed even if it is careless, and even if it is cautious enough, it can't be foolproof.

  Shi is too confused, and Mrs. Zhuang has forgotten to ask whether the knife was pierced by the Yuan family's daughter or Gu Jinyu.

   But what if I understand it? Can I still ask them for guilt?

  Naturally, there is no position to do so.

   Taifu Zhuang asked the doctors of the mansion to heal for the King An, but he himself went out of the house and called his confidants to find out what happened in Qingfeng Tower today, but there were suspicious people waiting for him.

  The confidant asked: "Master still suspects that this is the work of others?"

Mrs. Zhuang said: "Huh, can I not know his temperament for the grandson I raised by myself? He will not be so confused. Moreover, if he admits that he has the Dao, it will be fine. He is eager to take the blame. Protect those in the dark."

   was puzzled: "Master means... the prince has been calculated and he is unwilling to confess the other party? Who is the prince?"

  "I'm just guessing. There is no evidence. Okay, you can check it out. Who is the cabinet official Yuan Shoufu met at the gate of Qingfeng Building today? Let me also find out!"

Although Mrs. Zhuang did not think Yuan Shoufu would design to frame his own granddaughter, the timing of the official appearance was too coincidental. If he hadn't stopped Yuan Shoufu, the daughter of the Yuan family would not have been placed alone, and there would be no such thing as the latter. Many accidents.

   "By the way, where is Wu Yang? I remember he is Heng'er's personal guard." Taifu Zhuang said, "Call him!"

  Wu Yang is really wronged. He has taken time off these days. A brother on the road got married. He went to the wedding and knew nothing about King An.

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