Part One

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"I hate him!

He is such a fucking asshole!

How could he do this to me?"

Raine laid on her bed screaming and crying.  Yelling at Him and cursing his name.  She even Wished him dead.

Feeling minimal relief after her crying fit, She sat up and reached for  her phone.

Scrolling down.. missed calls to be had.

She sighed and ran her fingers though her sable brown hair. She winced at the pain as her  fingers got  tangled into the curly mess.  She then jumped up off of her bed and gathered her bathroom necessities.

A hot shower was in order.

A hot shower and a leave in conditioning treatment, for her thick tresses.  She had just stepped into the shower when she thought she heard her name being called.  She turned off the water and listened.


"Your phone is going off."  She heard her roommate Cyn yelling out.

"Do you hear me?

 I said your phone is ringing.

Do you want me to answer it for you?" She said as she knocked on the bathroom door.

"I'll be right out."  Raine said.

She squealed with delight and rushed out the bathroom.  Her fluffy towel, wrapped haphazardly around her slender  frame. She snatched the still ringing phone out of Cyns hand and tired to get it to unlock.

"Dammit!"  She yelled in frustration.

Her wet fingers prevented her from unlocking her phone.  She sighed when the the phone indicated that she had missed the call.

Her roommate laughed at her.  "Damn Girl is it that serious?"

 She looked and her and gave her one of her infamous eye rolls.

"Hell yeah it is!"  She said.

She swiped at her phone with the edge of her towel and was finally able to unlock it.  

She frowned.  "Oh.. it was just my Mother."

"Well who did you think it was?"  Cyn asked.  "I mean who has you all hyper Raine?"

"No one really.  I was just hoping that a friend of mine was calling me back."


"Don't worry about it Cyn, just a friend of mine."

"Well are you going to call your mom back and see what she wanted?"

Raine shook her head no.  No she didn't feel like dealing with her Mother today.  She didn't really ever feel like dealing with her.

"I think you should call her back Raine.  

What if its important?"

 "Your crazy right?  You and I both know how my Mother is.

 I'm not trying to argue with her today."

"Raine whatever.. you always say that.

Honestly, I like your mom shes cool as shit."  

"Fuck off Cyn!"

She wasn't in the mood to have this discussion again with her.

"Hey I'ma go finish my shower is that's OK with you?"  

"Whatever Raine!  

I don't know why your acting so bitchy,  I didn't do anything to you."  Cyn said.

Raine sighed.

Cyn didn't understand the relationship that she had with her Mother.  No one did.

"You don't even really know her Cyn.   I'm just sick to death of everyone assuming shes nice as pie.  Let me ask you this. What makes you think shes so damn awesome?"  She huffed.  

Cyn sucked her teeth loudly.

"Welllll she dragged out...

For one your moms pretty, shes always dressed nice and shes nice to me when she stops by."  

Raine raised her eyebrows. ...And?"

"What do you mean and?

That's enough insist it?"  Cyn asked.

"Not really Cyn.  You have no idea about the type of hell shes put me though."

It was true.  Cyn didn't know allot of things about her.  Raine was a private person that wanted to keep her private life just that, private.

"Oh I don't do I?"

Raine shook her head.  " truly don't."

She watched as Cyn twirled one her long black locks around her finger. She could tell that Cyn was in deep thought.

Raine read people. She wasnt a physic or anything like that.  She was just good at reading a persons body language.  It was a thing of hers. She liked to read people.  It gave her an idea of what they were really feeling.

"OK then.

I can respect that.

Why don't you just tell me, what your Mother has supposedly done?"

"Why did you say supposedly Cyn?

Do you think I'm lying?  I told you its complicated and that I don't really want to talk about it.

Being my friend, you should just agree with me.

Give me the benefit of the doubt or some shit." 

They glared at one another.

"Fact is ma.. I don't know.  Cyn rolled her eyes.

"Your always telling me that its complicated.

But you never tell me the why's,when's or the how's. Lets be honest. Your mother is a fucking social worker.  Like, her job is to help people.

 So, I'm just saying.. whats the deal with you two?"

Suddenly it was hard for Raine to breathe.

This wasn't her.  Conversing about her life.  She wasn't ready yet and no matter how badly Cyn wanted to know, she wasn't willing to share.  Maybe in the near future but right now no.

"I'm starting to get cold Cyn.  I'ma go finish my shower.  I really want to do my hair today and you know how long that takes."

She smiled at her.

She didn't want to argue with her new friend.  She just didn't appreciate when people were intrusive.

"I guess."

Cyn turned and walked down the hall.

She slammed her door.  Letting Raine know that she wasn't happy.

"Great."  Raine heaved out a huge sigh.

Raine shivered and walked back into the bathroom.

Later she would try to smooth out Cyns ruffles feathers but right now she was freezing!

 Copyright © 2013


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