Part Thirtyone

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 What the hell do you mean, "Since you gave birth to me?"

Toni looked down at her ever fidgety fingers again.  "Just that."

"Fuck this!"  He roared.

"You need to tell me something and fast."

Dr. Gregg remained silent.  This was not the scenario that he has envisioned.  He had thought that Dro would have welcomed Toni with open arms.  He was curious to see where all of this hostility was coming from.  Soon he'd have his answer.

"I..."  She stammered.

"I just don't know where to begin honey."  She lifted her head, her eyes pleading with him to understand.

"Try the beginning.  The very beginning and don't skip out on shit."

                                  Many years ago.

"Common Tanika we're gonna be late."

"Just hold your horses Toni.  We still have plenty of time."

Toni sat down on her sisters twin bed.  She didn't believe her for a hot second.  Tanika was taking out the homemade curlers out of her head.  Toni silently tisked as she watched her drop them carelessly onto the floor.

Sighing she got up and started to pick them up, one by one.  Spinning each piece of fabric around her index finger.  They shared these curlers and she didn't want them to loose their shape.

"What about now?"  She asked now standing beside her sister.

Tanika sighed.  "Just help me fluff out my hair.  Don't fuck it up either.  I still want to see my curls."  She demanded.

"Mamma don't like for us to curse."  Toni reminded her.  She was two years younger than Tanika, who at seventeen thought she knew everything.  It was Tanika's shenanigan's and foul mouth that always landed them in trouble.  She knew that she was pressing her luck by chastening her sister.

It was a miracle that Tanika ever agreed to let her tag along tonight.  She'd have to be mindful of her criticism.

"Well hot diggity dog!  Mamma ain't here now is she?  If all your gonna do is talk about mamma then I think you should stay home.  Maybe you're not a woman yet.

Like me."  She added in for good measure.

"Oh I am!  I promise you that I am."  Toni said softly while she fluffed her hair perfectly.  She was disappointed that she had no time to do her own hair.  It wasn't fair that Tanika always got to the curlers first.

She pushed her head around her sister and peeked into the big mirror.  She rolled her eyes as she fingered the small pony tail atop her head.  She straightened out the bright blue bow.  

"Move it heffa!'  Tanika bumped her with her hips.  That was another thing.  She had curves.  It was just one more thing that she had that Toni did not.

"Well you don;t have to be so nasty about it!"  Toni yelled.  Those big ol hips had knocked her to the floor.

"Girl stop being sour.  You know Ant and them will be here shortly enough.  How do I look?"  She twirled back and forth slowly.  Her red pencil skirt kissed and cradled her hips and ample bottom.  The cute navy blue polka dot blouse was snugly tucked.

She looked great.  She always did and that's Just what Toni told her.  "Oh shit! Tanika suddenly yelled.  Run to mama's room ad grab me her pearl necklace."

"Are you nuts!  I will not go in there."  Toni was trying to be brave.  She really didn't want to piss off her sister but stealing from mama was just not going to happen.  She feared the switch.

"I should of known,you'd say something like that.  Seriously Toni.  Will you ever grow some balls?  Lawd have mercy chile.  You just a itty bitty scaredy cat."

"I ain't no scaredy cat."  Toni mumbled quietly.

"Oh yea?  Prove it then. Tanika clasped on her long dangling earrings.  While your at it get me the matching bracelet to."

Toni lowered her head.  Mama would be so mad if she found out.  She was very serious about her jewelry.  She was serious about everything it seemed.  Ever since daddy had went away, her mamma had been right mean.

Sucking in a big breath of air, she scurried out the room and made her way to her Mother's sacred place.  Her bony fingers shook as she turned the knob.  The door offered up a loud squeak when she pushed it open a bit.  She almost ran, right then and there.

Somehow she knew that she'd be paying for what she was about to do.  Like a little thief in the night she crept over to the dresser and located the tall wooden jewelry box.  Quickly she found what she needed and was right back out.

She stopped when she heard a car pulling up.  You could hear it pretty good too.  The darn thing sure did make allot of jacket.

"Toni!  Girl hurry up.  I know you heard them pull up gal."

Wouldn't worry about me hurrying if you got this stuff yourself.  She rolled her eyes and quickened her pace.  There was no time for her to glance in the mirror again.  No time to put any petroleum jelly on her lips to make them extra shiny.

She followed her sister out of the front door.  Making sure to lock it.  Tanika didn't walk.  She sashayed.  Toni tried to imitate her walk and just felt plain ol stupid.  It really made her mad when she had tried to climb into the cab of the truck and Tankia shook her head sternly.  Gesturing for her to get in the back.

Well isn't this just fin as pie.  Toni grumbled as she climbed into the back of the old beat up pickup truck.  She could see Tanika through the little window.  Squeezed right inn between two boys.  Happy as can be.

They didn't drive for very long.  It wasn't long before they came to a screeching halt.  Toni jumped out of thee back and took a look around.  Wast much to see.  They were at the old saw mill.

It had been closed down for a few years now.  She knew this place well.  She use to bring her daddy his lunch on Saturday afternoons.  Now it was just a hang out for kids.

She stood awkwardly off to the side and waited for everyone else to get out.  She had noticed a few other vehicles there as well.  "Hey.  Tanika called out to her.  Making her jump.  Come meet the gang."

"Ant and Elbert I want ya'll to meet my little sister Toni."

They both said hello to her and she repeated the words back.  Of course she was so busy staring at that Ant fellow.  Man he sure was a good looking cat.  Elber was ok but he wasn't no prize.  She silently wondered how old he was.

"Let's go ya'll."  Tanika led the way.

Toni held back.  She was thinking that this wasn't such a good idea after all and she suddenly got the urge to go home.  She was just about to call out to her sister when Ant turned and and looked at her.  He said something to them and made his way back to her.

"Oh lawd have mercy.  He's gonna think ima silly little girl."  She tried to keep the nervousness off of her face.  

"Hey there slow poke."  He walked up to her all smooth.  His toothy smile captivated her.  She was in love.  It had to be love because she had never felt like this before in her life.  She had been around boys plenty of times before and never once felt this way.

She smiled at him, not knowing what to say.  She just stood there smiling rocking back and forth.  Watching his mouth move as he spoke words to her that she never heard.



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