~chapter 2~

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At my house

The next week

Hongjoong's pov:

Getting ready to go to school and waiting for mingi to pick me up. After getting ready I went down stairs to get a little snack before going to school. " have a good day at school okay? " mom said. " thanks mom, alright I'll be going now ".

School wasn't that far so i always go to school by walking and mingi would always be with me since our house is also close.
As I open the door to go to school mingi was already there leaning beside the door. " I've been waiting for you " mingi said with a slight smirk on his face.
"Thanks for waiting bub " .I smile and gave him a peck on the cheek. ( he's not that short but he still tippy toed on his feet).

We walk to school while holding hands with our fingers intertwined. " I heard that you have a new neighbor " he said. " yea I do "." Which school do they go to? " . " same school as ours ". " that's sweet , hope we can be friends ".

At school.

Third person pov:

" alright bub I'll be going to class now see you later " mingi said, he gave the older a kiss on the lips before going to class. Hongjoong blushes and gives the younger a peck on the cheek.

Feeling happy he went to class with a small smile on his face. He got into class and when he was in there he saw seonghwa and he was right next to his seat. " oh hey seonghwa " hongjoong said as he sat down on his seat. " oh hey hongjoong! Who knew we would be in the same class " seonghwa said. " yea , wouldn't expect it too ".

Geography class.

During their geography class their professor told them that they will be doing a project and the presentation would be by next week. Hongjoong was partnered up with seonghwa and discussed about the project.

" I'll be going to your house? " hongjoong said. " yes, But when do you want to come over? " . " on Thursday would be good ". " alright then ". The bell ringed and it was time for break. Seonghwa followed where hongjoong was going which he is going to meet mingi.

" Hey bub, how are you doing? " Mingi saw hongjoong and got up giving the older a peck on the forehead. " I'm fine thanks bub ". " oh who's this? " mingi asked. " oh this is seonghwa, my new neighbor " . "I see, hey seonghwa, the name's mingi, hongjoong's boyfriend ".

Both seonghwa and mingi shaked hands with each other but their handshake was a little aggressive. " you guys can get to know each other while I go to the restroom " hongjoong said. He went off the both sat down next to each other and the silence was awkward. " so... how long have you and hongjoong been in a relationship with hongjoong? ". " for 3 years now... Tomorrow's going to be our anniversary ".

" aw that's sweet, hope your relationship will stay forever ". " oh..thanks " ,Mingi had a little smirk on his face just thinking about him and hongjoong's future. " hey I'm back " hongjoong came in the akward silence just in time. " ah you're back " mingi said. " yep I am ".hongjoong sits in the middle of seonghwa and mingi and lays his head on mingi's shoulder.

Just seeing them two makes seonghwa feel some type of way but he doesn't bother it, looking at them , he felt that they were cute and meant to be but on the other hand, he felt another feeling that he's not familiar with. But he smiled instead just looking at them.

At hongjoong's house.

He lays down on his bed texting seonghwa about the project until his mom called. " hongjoong, mingi is here ".oh why is here? But it doesn't bother him, he just wanted to see his love. Hongjoong went downstairs and saw mingi sitting down on the couch. He sneaked up behind mingi and gave him a back hug.

" hey bub " hongjoong said. Giving a peck on mingi's head. " hey precious " . The younger caresses the orders hand and gives it a kiss. "C'mon let's go to my room ". And so the pair went to the olders room.

In the room, hongjoong and mingi lay down on the olders bed while holding each other's hand. While hongjoong was texting seonghwa he notices the younger seemed was a little upset and their hands were no longer holding. " Hey are you okay? "The older asked. " no I'm fine.. " the younger replied. The older putted away his phone right after. " who were you texting with? " the younger said. " oh with seonghwa why? ". The younger stayed quiet for a while but the older noticed the that he was jealous. " even though I'm texting someone else doesn't mean I don't care about you ".

The older gets up and gives the younger a peck on the lips. " I still will love you either way " gives the younger a peck again. He saw a slight smile coming from the younger's face. Then He gives the younger a cuddle and several kisses everywhere on his face .

" okay okay, I love you too precious " the younger replied. Hearing his voice makes the older blush. Then the younger pulled the older into a deep kiss and stayed liked that for a while. The older pulled away from the kiss and admired the youngers eyes.

" I love you ". " I love you too precious "


yes I actually did chapter two straight cause I had this idea. And went onto writing. But the next chapters I'm not sure yet considering that I am busy. But I hope you guys enjoy the chapter <3

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