Chapter 16

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A steady drizzle welcomed the boys when they reached the locked gates of the football ground.

"Lam" Beam called running towards him. Lam and Park who were in a deep discussion turned around to meet them. "Where is she?" Beam asked.

"She's inside. She climbed over the gates" Lam said indicating it with her thumb. The gates were metal green doors with an inch of grilled spikes over the top. The only footholds to scale the gate were thin strips of metal that were in place to reinforce the gates.

"She what?" Kit asked looking at the gates.

"Should we get the keys from the janitor?" Park asked the group.

"No" Pha said without a doubt. "Last thing she wants is to draw attention. "She chose to come here to stay away from everyone else."

"Pha, I'm not going to let her stay alone in there. Forth give me a boost. I'm going over the gate" Beam said.

"Beam, she may not be in the right frame of mind." Lam said

"What do you mean?" Pha asked

"She was in some sort of daze when she saw Sharp and his family. When Lin held her shoulder she twisted her hand and hurt her. I don't think she was thinking straight. I had to stand right in front of her to snap her out of it." Park explained

"Park see if you can get a ladder" Forth said. Park left and Ming joined to give him a hand.

"Forth, this can't wait. We don't know what condition she's in out there. Please..." Beam pleaded.

Forth succumbed and boosted Beam on his shoulders. With the support of the wall beside the gate and the hinges between them, Beam hoisted himself over. The jump was high but Beam had done enough mischief in his younger days to prepare himself for this. Once his feet were firmly on the ground at the other side of the gate, he scanned the field. He saw her, seated on the ground, near the entrance of the girl's lockers, forehead on her knees, her hands hugging her legs.

Beam ran but as he approached, he slowed down to walk up to her, as not to startle her.

"Nong Preeth?" he called out. There was no response. He kneeled in front of her legs. He pressed on her feet gently to make her aware of his presence without touching her directly.  He kept in mind what Lam mentioned. He could defend himself in a fight if needed but disarming someone was not a natural response for him. "Preeth?" he called again. It seemed like forever to Beam as she stirred and lifted her head. Her hair had droplets of the rain that glistened in the sun. Her teary eyes were unfocused. She turned to her side and started to throw up. Beam instinctively went up to her and held her shoulders and head. Pha and Kit approached them. 

"I'll get her some water" Kit said running into the men's locker room.

When she was finished, Kit washed her face while Beam steadied her. Her eyes rolled backward and she passed out in Beam's arms. Beam felt a sense of déjà vu. It was the same position he had found her that many years ago desperately trying to wake her up. Her body went cold and she started to sweat profusely.

"Pha" Beam screamed snapping out of his visions.

"Let's lay her flat Beam and out in the sun. Check her breathing" Pha said grabbing her legs.

"She's breathing normally" Beam said checking her and laid her on to her side. Pha's phone rang.

"Is it the boys?" Kit asked

"No, it's Preeth's father. I'll be right back" Pha walked away as he spoke to Preeth's dad. Beam and Kit just looked at Preeth not knowing what they should do next.

"Should we take her to the hospital?" Kit asked Beam

"Let Pha come back. Her breathing is normal and so is her pulse." Preeth started to stir and sit up. Beam supported her.

"Are you ok Preeth?" Beam asked again.

She nodded. "What happened Preeth?" Kit asked. Pha was back now and sat behind Kit to one side of Preeth and Beam was on her other side. They kept their distance not wanting to crowd her.

"I finally found the bastard," she said. "the one who ruined my life." Everything went eerily quiet.

"I've prepared my entire life for the moment when I would confront him, how I would chase him, break the knuckles of those hands that touched me and make him beg for his life. When I recognized him today, raw anger took over me and I replayed every move I'd practiced for 10 years. When I saw that he was in a wheelchair and noticed he was handicapped, I just couldn't get myself to do it. When he got closer, it almost felt like fate was throwing a sarcastic curveball at me... taunting me to see whether I had it in me. When he was right in front of me, I knew I'd lost. I was so frustrated and ashamed. I had the chance and I didn't take it. I couldn't face myself... I couldn't face anyone" she cried.

Beam put his arms around her consoling her. All three of them felt her pain. They felt her anger and at the same time her helplessness at the situation. The rain started to get steadier.

"Preeth" a woman's voice called out.

Bema made way for Alma as she gave Preeth a hug and rubbed her back. Lin was behind her with an umbrella in one hand and her other hand in a sprain bandage.

"Preeth" Alma said again "Sweetheart. What's wrong? Who hurt you?"

Preeth didn't reply. It was like she was exhausted. Mothers have a sixth sense about their children that surpasses all intuition. "You found him didn't you?" Alma asked as if on cue. "Who is it?" she continued as Preeth remained nonresponsive.

"Do you know who it is?" Alma asked Pha. Pha nodded. "Show me," Alma said moving Preeth away from her. Preeth held on to her mother's hands. "No ma. It's over." Preeth said

"It's not over until there's justice Preeth. You stay here. I'll take care of it" her mother said getting up.

"He's in a wheelchair, he's handicapped now. He has Alzheimer's" Preeth said in a dejected voice. That didn't stop Alma. She was standing now. "Let's go Pha," Alma said.

"He's a widower. He has two children who have done no harm Ma. Don't put them through this" Preeth called out. Those were the words that made Alma stop. She slumped back down next to Preeth. "I can deal with this closure ma but I can't do this without you. Please... it's time to let go" she said holding her mother in a tight embrace. Alma hugged Preeth and cried but made sure that she wiped those tears away before she looked at Preeth again.

"Lin has some dry clothes for you. Why don't you change?" Alma said and helped Preeth up.

Lin took Preeth to the lockers. The boys and Alma waited outside.

"Lin... I'm so sorry..." Preeth started

"Shut up, will you?" Lin said with puffy eyes. "Don't you ever run away from me like that? You hear me?" Preeth nodded obediently.

"Your hand though... are you ok?"

Lin ignored her question. "Now, change your clothes, you're stinking". Lin pushed her into the bath with a towel and clothes she unpacked with one hand from the backpack.

"How did you get in? Aren't the gates locked?"

"We used a ladder Ninja. P'Park and P'Ming found one in their den"

"They're here too?" Preeth asked surprised.

"Yeah, you got a whole bunch of worried people on the other side of those gates"

"Preeth..." Lin asked as heard the water from the shower begin to fall

"Yeah Lin..."

"I'll never know your pain, I may never know you completely either but just know I'm here for you ok?" Lin paused and wondered if Preeth heard her. Then a brief moment later she heard "Thanks Lin"

Outside, Alma leaned against the wall of the lockers with three uncertain boys standing beside her.

"What would you do?" Alma asked them looking into the sky.

"I'd still kill him," Kit said with gritted teeth. Alma smiled.

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