council meeting

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Hello everyone I hope you have been enjoying this fanfiction as much as I have been.

I'm sorry for the lack of uploads but I have just been busy and been on writer's block with this.

council meeting

Minato was already tired at the council meeting as it was the same thing over and over again.

Problem after problem.

"We can't keep doing this anymore!" One of the elders spoke.

"This isn't right! Especially with those demon lovers in Japan! We should have killed that demon Fox when we had the chance! Perhaps none of this would have had to happen if we have done that!" Another one of the elders spoke out of anger.

Many have agreed if they had killed Naruto all those years ago back then, this mess they were in with their chakra gone and losing their warriors would have never happened.

All those demons are now rising up and living a life of luxury now these days.

Minato continue to listen as they have said there's so many times before... Despite they know the truth now that Naruto was his son it didn't change anything.

Many still believe Naruto to be nothing more but a demon, after all his family did abandon him and only came back after the banishment.

It was one of Minato biggest regrets as he had believed so long his son was dead after everything and now that he was alive he was nothing more but a demon lover.

'Naruto should have been a demon Slayer and kill demons not protecting them against us!' Minato thought to himself as he kept on listening with everyone else.

Now that Sasuke was going on a demon things were only going to get worse.

Minato had got tired of this meeting as it was getting them nowhere, everyone kept going on ramping about the same crap, so he called the meeting over and left them.

Still with the council

After minato left everyone remained seated as Danzo himself decided to speak.

No one else knew what had happened to him as Danzo wore a mask and to hide his demon features.

"So he really won't do anything will he?" One of the elder spoke.

"Of course he won't, Minato is unable to keep things flowing as they used to be, we have went downhill because of Japan especially the one who runs it, that bastard demon child that is now all grown up and that has produced offspring," Danzo told them all as they all nodded and still argued.

"While he lives behind a wall of affluent and keeping us all out in poverty and leavimg us all to starve as he have done nothing more but stuff his face with meat that are rare delicacy," Danzo told them all and it only made them angrier.

"What is the point of this?" One of the elders asked.

Danzo stood up and looked at all of them, "that demon is doing nothing more about hiding behind a wall keeping him safe! What we need to do is get him out and force him to come to us!"

"And how would we do that?" One of them asked as they all did agree Japan really was not a safe place for demon Slayers, especially not with the new law Naruto put in.

Danzo took a seat back down, "there are some plans being made, once everything is ready, everything will go into action."

Everyone wanted to know what was the plan as Danzo smirked under his mask.

With naruto

In his office Naruto was on his laptop doing work, until kurama came in.

"What is it that brings you here?" Naruto asked as kurama walked over to him.

"Forgive me if I have interrupted you on something but I have a request to ask of you," kurama said as Naruto was curious to know.

"What is your request then?" Naruto asked as kurama came a bit closer to his desk.

"We have spotted two other demons around somewhere in swordsman village, we believe these two to be upper moons and my siblings have required both Sebastian and Claude," kurama said as it caught Naruto by surprise.

"Both of my sons tutors? Are you sure?" Naruto asked.

"Quite honestly, my siblings have reported that these two demons in The swordsman village are very tricky, that's why they're asking both of their help, with your permission is it all right I can send them to a system my sibling needs?" Kurama asked as Naruto thought about it for a moment.

After a few moments of thinking, "very well you have my permission, ciel and Alois I can get both of them temporary tutors."

"Thank you, if we are lucky we'll be able to capture these two demons for further research," kurama said as those words made Naruto smirk.

"Perhaps it definitely will," naruto said as he knew this could bring him closer to his goal.

"Thank you again, this will definitely make our plans succeed," kurama said before turning away and leaving the room.

With clei and Alois

Both were in the living room relaxing after a long day of studying and tutoring.

Clei was reading a book as Alois was working on a doily.

Clei put the book down and stole the doily was almost the size of the table, "Why are you so into making those?"

"You know how Claude love making these, he got me into them," Alois said as he kept on working on it.

"Well that is true I'll give you that, but why did you made it into a spider form?" Ciel ask as the doily had a spider pattern.

"You know I'm a big fan of spiders and so is Claude," Alois said.

"Just be careful with my crows they do like eating spiders," clei said as he got back to reading his book.

Unaware to both of them someone was in the backyard.

"Do we go now?" A mysterious voice asked.

"Yes now!" The other side.

To be continued

Sorry for the cliffhanger but you kind of get the point what's going on here.

Also some of you are probably asking but where is tanjiro and nezuko in this fanfiction?

They happen to be wandering around in demonslayer corp but in the other one.

When konoha joined demon Slayer Corp their village became like a second base for them.

Also what will happen to both Naruto's eldest sons?

You're all going to have to wait and find out.

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