Names and pool time

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I hope everyone is enjoying this fanfiction so far as the next few chapters will be for a bit of fun before we get into the final biggest part of the story.

Anyway please enjoy the chapter

Names and pool time

It has been a few weeks since the meeting, karuta was divorce from Sakura and she was sent away.

During all this time Naruto has been hard at work finishing up on the remains of the prisoners.

Kushina had been released but was remain under house arrest in one of the rooms in his mansion.

The only reason why you did this was because of his siblings were close to her, naruto had no interest in speaking to her and kept her in a guest room that was small and plain but had a bathroom, Hannah servants give her three meals a day and her two children come to visit her.

With that being said, the only ones left remaining in prison were very few but Minato is still lock up with them.

Today there was definitely a good day because after all this work he had a day off and had plans that were a long waiting.

Naruto, Hannah, karate, kurumi along with all their children went to a private swimming pool.

It was in door and had a roof to keep the sunlight out as the servants stand by if anyone needed anything.

Luna, Lizzie, ciel and Alois we're enjoying playing Marco and Polo.

Hannah was swimming and teaching her youngest son malachite to swim, his eyes were now glowing green and his hair was a mix of dark green pattern stripes all over.

Karuta and Kurumi we're next to their children at the pool stairs so they can all sit down together and relax.

Naruto was enjoying the day as he soaking his feet in the pool has he watched the rest of his family have fun.

Karuta went over to his elder brother, soaking his feet next to him as he wanted to get some time to chat.

"So that is malachite now? I am very surprised by him, he's only been born for like a couple months and now he's already looks like he's 5 years old," karuta said as Naruto look at him.

"That's how natural born demons are at first when they're born, they quickly grow where they can easily walk talk around 5 or 4 years old and stay that age for the normal years four and five then they ate normally until they get some point in their twenties then they stop aging," naruto explain but smiled as he was already proud of his malachite.

"A new thing I did not know before about demons, you know I just want to say thank you for what you did for us," karuta said as Naruto kept smiling even giggle.

"Oh stop it, you always say that everyday," Naruto said as he went back looking at his malachite.

"I know but it's true though, ever since you welcomed me and my sister and our children here to be part of the family... Everything has finally been going right for us and life has been getting a lot better for what we wanted for our kids, heck I'm even surprise but I actually like demons now," karuta started as Naruto was happy hearing that he made his brother see the truth about demons.

"I mean seriously you make it so easy for all this to happen after you got the job done," karuta said as Naruto look at them with a smirk but shook his head.

"Believe me it was not easy at all but I made it all that I dream into reality with everyone who had my back," naruto told him as he was proud of what he had done to become what he is now today.

"That is true, By the way what got you the idea to name your son malachite?" Karuta ask.

"Well when we were trying to decide a name me and Hannah had made the decision to name him after he gemstone, got to be honest though I was never a big fan of green but when I saw the gemstone malachite I fell in love with that gemstone, Hannah love it too since we were having another boy and then we soon had malachite," Naruto explain.

"What about your other children's names? They definitely don't sound anything from konoha would named children..." Naruto started to look a bit pissed off by that, "I... I mean it's just that I never heard those kinds of names before."

Naruto smiled and just started to explain, "well to be honest with you those things are across different parts of the world, different countries in all others with their different languages can come up with all kinds of different names for children, there are even some names from different countries that are actually the same but because you pronounce it in a different language like Joshua and another part of the country I have heard of you say Josue, some of the female names like Marie and other countries they would say Mary," Naruto finish explaining as karuta look impressed.

"Really? But what got you came up with the four names you and your wife pick out for them?" Kuruta ask wanting to know where did those names came from.

"Well ciel means sky in French and me and my wife found that name to be very beautiful as we definitely did enjoy looking at this guy together at times when we were younger so we name our oldest son ciel, in German German means Famous warrior, we knew our sons were definitely going to be strong and would be well known in this world so that's where Alois came from, Luna is Spanish for the Moon, we name her that because just like our eldest son she reminded of us of the night, and lastly for listening Lizzie, now that name I'm not sure it comes from a lot of places but when we translate it it did mean God promise, and we knew God promises another child and that was her, so when she was born that's how she got her name," Naruto finally was done explaining the names.

Karuta was actually feeling he was going to tear up, each of those names were definitely more beautiful now that he know what they meant, "I can definitely say you put a lot of thought into those names."

"Thank you," naruto said as he was definitely happy hearing his brother say that as he had already known of what Minato thought about those names.

After that both turn their heads to Hannah, "hey naruto, malachite wants you."

Naruto went right into the pool and swim over to them as he took malachite and hug him.

Karuta couldn't help though but be a bit jealous of seeing how lucky or it was to find a woman he truly did love.

He did remember what his father's plans were as before all of us had started, the plan was for the three of them to marry high ranking Shinobi or daimyo or kage children so they can make strong alliances with three out of four great Nations, but since they got destroyed he and his sister were forced to marry his Brother teammates, even though the marriage was a failed now that he was divorced he could one day find himself someone he would truly be in love with.

After almost 3 hours, everyone decided to go back home and dry up.

Tonight was definitely going to be a big night for everyone as some special guests were all coming all around the entire world.

To be continued

Hope you guys enjoy this and please tell me what you think but there's also a couple questions I would like to ask.

I have no plans for Naruto to forgive his mother but should she at least join in the party?

Also next chapter is something I have been long waiting for to do.

I hope everyone is looking forward to it.

So please comment down below, tell me what you think and thank you guys for reading this chapter.

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