they won't win

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Now that Naruto is asleep how will he wake up?

What are Muzan plans?

What will happen next now?

they won't win

Kurama couldn't believe a upper Moon demon had actually gotten in.

The demon laugh, "it's so amazing to finally be in here you know, I'm so happy."

"Well I am certainly not," kurama said as he ran towards them but an ice barrier block kurama attacked.

"Oh that was definitely a good drawing, you almost got me," the demon giggle and laugh.

"Who the heck are you and why are you even here to begin with??" Kurama was mad as he wanted to let that demon burn in the hot sun.

"Oh where my manners my name is doma, I'm upper Moon 2 and I was sent by my beloved master Muzan kibutsuji, I'm here to eliminate Tamayo," doma explain as kurama should have known Muzan would have plan this.

"Anyway see you around," doma said as he skip away to find Tamayo.

Kurama growl as he tried to break the ice but his hand and tails start to freeze.

"What is going on?!" Kurama felt his body freezing burning as doma may I had a new trick up his sleeve that kurama didn't even realize.

Back at the mansion

Hannah along with her servants we're all teaming up together on the two swordsmen demon.

She was facing against Sasuke as the others were on the upper Moon one.

"I cannot believe you would have actually done this to yourself, Sasuke why would you be willing to harm your own wife?" Hannah ask wanting to know.

"She had no business being here, she made a mistake showing her face to me again knowing that disgrace she was," Sasuke said as he come out of her with his blade as he use thunder breathing.

Hannah dodgit and was able to surprise kick him hard sending him into the wall, "you disgust me you had everything you could have, a family a wife and child and you didn't give a damn about them! HOW DARE YOU!?"

Hannah had grown very close to her sister-in-law and to learn how cruel Sasuke was to his own family was awful.

"What do you know about ANYTHING!?" Sasuke yelled has he ran back to her with thunder breathing.

"THIS!" Hannah vanish and reappeared right behind him, she kick him in the back of the head causeing him to fall on the floor.

"Not so strong are you now?" Hannah ask as she was still a very powerful demon.

Sasuke growl as got back up, "do you really believe you could actually beat me, I have been around longer and been a demon longer," Hannah told him.

"DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU!" Sasuke yelled as he try to use his blood demon art.

"BLOOD DEMON ART! KIRAN!" Lighting that was dark black forming over him as a giant kiran head.

The head cost the mansion roofs to be destroyed, Hannah eyes widen.

The humongous head charge at her with Force, Hannah knew she wouldn't get away in time as she close her eyes for the impact.

"MISS HANNAH!" The three-headed wolf yelled and jump over her to protect her.

The blast separated the three back into the triplets, all three were badly injured and hurt.

Hannah look over to see her three servants were injured by that very powerful blast.

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