💕fourty two💕

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Huzaif's POV

Walking my bestfriend and his wife to there car i laugh at the silly joke he say about his pregnant wife walking style as he chuckle, i stare at the two ladies in my front talking about whatsoever but they look pretty much deep in conversation.

"Do you think labiba can do anything about this?" I ask and my bestfriend chuckle.

"I don't know anything bro,
Labiba can make you do anything even if you don't want to." He say with a tiring sigh and put the handbag around his neck making me to chuckle.

"Toh meye haka na saka jakan a wuya sai kache wani akuya," I say and he just give me a bored look.

"I think goat is better than me in the situation i am in now i wish I'm a goat they can probably slaughter me and people will eat me and be happy,
I feel like strangling myself with this bag." He say playing with the leather hand and I chuckle.

"What's your problem now,
I thought you said Labiba allow you to have sex with her now." I say as we stop by the blue SUV and Ahmad stand with a tiring sigh balancing His weight on the car.

Sex that i don't enjoy,
Labiba pretty much want to take control over everything even our sex life, if i complain she will say the baby wants it,
I'm getting worried on how the baby demand sex this days I'm pretty much sure she will come to this world with my sperm sticking all over his body." He say without a care making me to chuckle.

"Can't you atleast talk to her,
She's your wife tell her how miserable all this is making you." I suggest and he just give me this weird look and shake his head.

"You know what dude,
I think Labiba is just punishing me thesame way Farhana is punishing you,it's just that mine it's in an incredible  wicked and frustrating way." He say and i give him a confuse look.

"What makes you think so?
I thought you said she forgive?" I ask and he node i can remember vividly he told me labiba forgive him probably 2weeks after there wedding or so.

"Yes but I'm sure she's still upset about it, look dude women are not predictable, expect anything from them at anytime, sh...........

" babe let's get going!"labiba yell and my bestfriend quickly stand up.

"Goodluck with whatever it is Labiba manipulated your wife into doing." He say as we both walk to where they are standing.

"Babe i will call you." Labiba say to my wife as her husband open the car door for her.

"Babe, i thought I'm the only one that suppose to call her that?" I say and my bestfriend wife just give me this irritated look.

"Dallah gafara chan
What did you even know about love,
I will call you and update you if anything comes up." She say to my wife and just give me this look that make me feel so unimportant making me to hiss.

"Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you will be treating people the way you please
" ciki hauka ne?"I say and she look at her husband who give me this bored look.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" She say to him and he sigh as a yawn escape his mouth.

"Babe don't mind him,
What did he know about marriage let alone pregnancy, let's just go home." He say and close the door shut as she give me the middle finger making me to chuckle shaking my head.

"Farhana take care." Ahmad say and climb inside the car, he close the door and start the car, his wife say something to him and he strap his seatbelt with frustration making both me and my wife to chuckle.

From the light tinted glass i can see how his wife mouth continue talking as he drive out of the house making both me and wife to release a tiring sigh, my wife is the first to head back inside as i quietly trail behind her, I close the door behind me as i glance at her.

"Farhana." I call gaining her attention from the staircase and she turn.

"Can we talk?" I ask and she gibe me a confuse look then shrug.

I need to lay down I'm not feeling very much strong." She say and continue her walk upstairs as i quickly follow her.

I enter the bedroom almost immediately she enters as i close the door shut behind us, I turn and she's removing the long abaya she's wearing revealing the black stretch trouser and red singlet as i avert my gaze from her chest.

Damn why does she always do this

I release a heavy breathe and just stare as she sit on the bed.

"Ehen." She say giving me a bored look and I sit on the edge of the bed.

"Why are you upset with me?
If it's about kamilah i can ask her to leave i promise." I say and she shake her head.

"Why will i want her to leave?
You are her cousin and this is your house she has the right to be here anyway,
Just for the record I'm not upset with you perhaps you seems pretty much occupied paying attention to your cousin than wife to notice just how bored i am staying in this house." She say and i gnaw on my bottom lips.

"I'm sorry." It's the only word i say and i she just stare at me.

"Sorry about what?
I mean we agreed on taking things slow me working on my emotions and try to forget things but your attitude will rather just make it difficult,
For me to forgive you, you will have to make me believe that you deserve that forgiveness, show me just how important I'm to you." She say and open her laptop making the light to reflect on her face.


" I love attention Huzaif,
I love been pamper, cherish me and make me feel special, it's what every girl want, don't you think? "She ask and look up from the laptop screen making our eyes to meet, she stare at me for some time before averting her gaze back to the laptop screen.

" I don't want to stay angry with you or anyone forever, I want to forgive and let go, I want to move on from the past, I want to be happy and be able to live like everybody,
I want to be loved."she say the last part with a heavy breathe.

"Thank you." I say making her to look up from the laptop screen.
I reach out and grab her hand making her to release a heavy breathe.

"I won't let you regret this." I say staring at her face, now that i stare closely Farhana has this fickle stubborn eyebrow, her eyelashes are also same they are lapping over each other, her dirty brown hair that matches her light skin fall to her face as the small air coming out of her nose makes them sway, my eyes wander down to her lips, I always admire those pink plump lips i can remember how she was been scold many times back in highschool because some teachers thought she apply the pink lipstick, it always amaze people whenever she told them they are natural, I don't know how but my finger slightly brush her lips and gently grab her by the face, gently and lightly caressing my lips on hers.

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