💕sixty two💕

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"What!" Farhana yell still trying to process what her husband say as she stand up from the dinning chair.

"My love please listen to me,
I'm not telling you this because i want to hurt you, I just want to be honest with you and for you to know you are the most important thing to me in the world." Huzaif say trailing behind his wife as she pace around the dinning area.

Farhana doesn't even know what to think, the thought of her husband having feeling for the nurse is like a slap on her face, she don't want to be mad but how is that even possible.

"Did you sleep with her?" Farhana ask with a sniff as she wipe the tears with the back of her hand.

"No,no, no
Ofcrse not i will never cheat on you i promise, I just want to clear up things and I don't want to hurt you because i will be really guilty if i didn't tell you the truth." Huzaif say as Farhana stare at him he try to touch her but she step back.

"What else do you expect me to say?
You kissed the nurse huzaif and You tell me you don't know what is happening to you." Farhana say feeling really upset.

"Did you like her?" Farhana ask and huzaif just avert his gaze from her making her to sigh.

"Why are you telling me this huzaif?
To hurt me or what?" Farhana say frustrated and huzaif sigh feeling miserable for his action.

"I'm telling you this because you and ummi are the most important thing in my life, I don't want to ruine my marriage because of my selfish interest, I care about you two a lot and if you want i can quit the job at the hospital and find somewhere else." Huzaif say staring at his wife,
He doesn't want to keep any secret from his wife, kissing sakina is the biggest mistake he's made regardless how wonderful that little moment is but his family will always be his first priority.

"Will quiting your job make the feeling go away?
You leaving the hospital or not will not change anything." Farhana say tiredly as she wipe her teary face.

"You love the nurse huzaif." Farhana say and huzaif shake his head.

"No I don'." Huzaif say and farhana shake her head.

"But you didn't deny the fact that you do have feelings for her." Farhana say upset as huzaif sigh.

There's an intense quietness in the sorrounding, Farhana blaming herself for been so distance with her husband and avoiding him to the point of him, feeling what he's feeling toward another lady, she want to scream and yell at huzaif for wanting to ruine there happy life but she do know it's all her fault, nobody's fault but hers alone.

"If I'm the most important thing in your life as you say i want you to call her right now and tell her whatever it is that you two are having it's over." Farhana say and huzaif instantly remove his phone from his shirt trouser, he scroll through his contact and dial on the contact putting it on loud speaker, after 5 missed calls she didn't answer and the phone went off making him to look up at his wife.

"I promise you if i resume to work i will clear things with her,
I don't want to loose you again Farhana, you and ummi are the most important thing to me." Huzaif say trying to touch and comfort his wife but Farhana shake her head.

"I need to clear up my head." She say and grab her veil that's on the dinning table.

"Where are you going to?" Huzaif say worriedly and she shake her head.

"I just need to be alone,
Ummi's formula is in the kitchen." She say and grab her car key from the door hook as Huzaif quickly stop her.

"I will be back huzaif what else do you expect me to say after you tell me this sensitive information, i need some time to think." Farhana say and remove his grip from her hand and exit the parlour making Huzaif to sigh with a facepalm.

He hate the fact that it's always his fault, why does all the problem in there marriage have to come from him, if he looses his wife and daughter his life will be ruine, he do rather clear things up with sakina if he resume to work, he will tell her that his family are important and that she's right about keeping things professional, he will avoid all chemistry and try his best to be professional.

Farhana's POV

"Come on baby girl it's alright,
Huzaif tell you this because he want you to trust him, he doesn't want to loose you." Labiba say as she try to comfort me.

Labiba is the only single person i can confide in, I don't know who else to tell this because any other person will think I'm responsible for pushing him away which is the truth I'm responsible for making this happen.

"I don't want to loss him." I say with a sniff as Labiba stare worriedly at me.

"You won't loss him,
But you need to be strong now,
This is the right time for you to show affection to your husband, don't you ever think of giving up on your marriage because of a stupid feeling that your husband isn't sure about." Labiba say and i sigh.

"What if things get worst?
What if he decide to marry her?
I'm going to die if i have to share my husband with another lady." I say truthfully as Labiba sigh.

"Why are thinking all this,
Huzaif is your husband and i know him very much he is not a fan of polygamy,
Whatever it is he has toward that nurse was because he was lonely and I'm sure it will fade away with time,
He care about you and want things to work that's why he tell you this,
Trust him and let him know you deeply care about him." Labiba say and I node.

I spend the entire day at Labiba house as huzaif send me multiple of pictures of him and our little girl playing, labiba is right this is my family i have to fight for my marriage even if it's because of my daughter.

"So what is it with you and doctor huzaif?"the nurse say adjusting the fluid and sakina sigh releasing a deep breathe.

It's obvious that people in the hospital has started noticing the relationship between she and Dr huzaif, sakina hate it because she's pretty much married islamically since kamil refuse to give her a divorce.

" what are you talking about?"sakina say and the lady wiggle her brow at her.

"Come on girlfriend tell me?
I understand things are complicated but don't you think you deserve someone better than that pathetic thing you call husband?
The doctor is hot and handsome do." The nurse say and sit on the edge of the bed.

"He's a married man salma." Sakina say with a tiring sigh as her mind drift to this morning she can still feel his lips on hers.

"I know but it's clear you both have feelings for each other, sakina if you are happy then go for it, get out of this boring thing you call marriage with kamil." Salma say and sakina shake her head.

"I don't want to do what they did to me to another woman, I don't want to be a home wretcher." Sakina say and salma smile at her.

"It's different sakina,
If the doctor love you and you love him back it's nothing wrong,
Kamil doesn't deserve you and you deserve happiness, if doctor Hafiz makes you feel that happy then don't deny yourself." Salma say and stand up with a sigh.

"I will go finish my shift and come check on you." Salmah say and exit the hospital room making sakina to release a deep breathe.

Maybe salmah is right, doctor huzaif really do like her and she feel same way, sakina sigh maybe she should just tell doctor Huzaif that it's OK if they are more than friends besides she's the one that keep stopping and avoiding him, After a lot of thought sakina decide to speak to the doctor about taking there relationship from the friendship zone as he always wanted whenever she sees him.

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