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3rd POV
On the night of September 14, 1990 just after Isabella Marie Swan turned 3 years old her mother Renee Higginbotham nee Swan decided that she'd had enough.

She had enough of living in Forks, Washington. She had enough of Charlie's uninspiring dream to be Forks's dutiful and protective Sheriff. She had enough of being a stay at home mom.

When she first married married Charlie he'd been Forks star football player and had many offers from colleges like Texas A&M, Troy University, and even Tulane University! Charlie came from old money with being the son of two of the founding families of Forks Geoffrey Swan and Helen Dove nee Swan, so Renee married him straight out of High School and quickly became pregnant two months later.

Renee assumed that he would select a college and they would move south where he'd become a star football player for the NFL. Whilst Renee would be the trophy wife with a nanny for her darling daughter Bella. Renee Higginbotham DID NOT cook, clean, or take care of snotty/drooling babies. Renee Higginbotham spent money on meaningless nicknacks, sunbathed, and made messes for other's to clean up.

What Renee didn't account for, was Charlie's noble and humble nature.

Charlie was a simple man with simple desires. Charlie wanted to stay home and help the small town that was his home. The past sheriff, Don Parrish, took Charlie under his wing and Charlie soon became Don's successor.

Renee held out false hope that Charlie would go for a 'real' job like FBI, CSI, or Homeland security but he refused saying "Forks is my home, I was born and raised here. I love it here, and I want our children to know how precious the littlest things are" Renee was disgusted by this.

This led to Charlie and Renee arguing nonstop for the next two and a half years of their marriage leaving Bella to be cared for by Charlie's mother Helen. Helen eventually grew ill as the elderly typically do resulting in Renee actually having to take care of Bella. Which led to the next events that took place.

Renee left the house without a word and left signed divorce papers on the dining room table. Renee moved in with her mother who took care of Bella, but Renee was the one to educate her. Bella was groomed into a spoiled, snobby brat believing that she would inherit her father's family fortune.

Charlie signed the divorce papers and three months later he remarried his childhood friend Cora Stone.

Renee bashed their relationship, more specifically Cora's fertility issues. It didn't last too long as Cora fell finally pregnant with twins enraging Renee, who decided that Bella was no longer allowed to visit. It didn't bother Charlie as he had a real family to think about.

Cora gave birth to two beautiful daughters one being albino startled them, but they didn't love her any less.

Helen Swan died when the twins were six years old and left her entire will in their names. Exactly $850,250,882 were waiting for their 18th birthday. Helen had signed Bella out of the will entirely wanting to ensure that Renee never touched even a penny!

Renee eventually remarried, two weeks after her mother died when Bella was 14 and left them nothing, to a man named Phil Dwyer.

Phil was a minor league baseball player and played for multiple teams, but wasn't well known. Phil had a nice stockpile of money considering he had no friends or family to spend it on which was perfect for Renee.

Three years down the line Renee ran into yet another problem/obstacle.

With Bella in the picture Renee was forced to stay home with the bratty hormonal teenage girl while her husband traveled across the country for baseball. Renee was bored with her affairs and wanted her husband and she was sure that he needed a woman's touch, and if he didn't get it from Renee he'd get it from someone else. So Renee did the only logical thing and shipped Bella off to live with her father, his who- wife, and their bast- daughters.

Bella Swan was going to turn Forks upside down and make it hell.

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