Chapter 08: Renee comes knocking

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3rd POV
For the past week Charlie and Bella have fought nonstop for her to pack her things and have Renee buy her a ticket to Florida.

It all finally ended on Saturday when Renee came to town.

Renee was a 5'4 woman that, like Bella, had the body of a prepubescent boy with seaweed brown-red hair that mimicked the color of old, dried blood. Unlike Bella, Renee had very large pores and wrinkles on her face that made her look less like a young boy and more like an elderly man.

In short.

Renee looked like a young boy with an old man's face.

Renee strutted up to the Swan residence as if she owned the whole town.

Renee strutted up to the Swan residence as if she owned the whole town

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Renee walked to the front door, and knocked. She mussed up her hair slightly before it opened revealing Cora.

Cora and her daughters had just finished cleaning the house, and were getting ready to go to the store to buy groceries for the month, when they heard someone knocking on the front door

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Cora and her daughters had just finished cleaning the house, and were getting ready to go to the store to buy groceries for the month, when they heard someone knocking on the front door. Cora trotted up to the door and opened it with a smile, only for the smile to fade upon seeing who was at the door "Renee?" Cora asked in surprise catching her daughters attention.

Renee's face twisted into a sweetly fake smile "Cora! Finally got another job as a maid? That's wonderful!" Renee said as she stepped inside and carelessly tossed her coat and purse at Cora "I know that being born so unfortunate has it's heartbreaks, but thankfully Charlie was generous enough to take you and your daughters in!"

Renee then turned to look at the two teenagers who were staring at Renee like she was a rat that crawled out of the sewers and grew two heads.

Renee then turned to look at the two teenagers who were staring at Renee like she was a rat that crawled out of the sewers and grew two heads

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"Oh! This must be Kaia and Eva!" Renee continued with her sickenly sweet facade "Hi girls! I'm Renee, Bella's mom. I heard that there were some problems between y'all?" Cora then spoke up and said "That's a slight understatement, Renee, since Bella got here she's been attacking-" "Harassed by your gangster daughters. I'm aware, Cora" Renee said, dropped the facade.

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear. Bella is Charlie's real daughter. Not those lowlife, hood rats that you call your daughters" Renee spat out.

The temperature in the room went haywire and it started to snow outside and the temperature rose inside.

Before Cora, Kira, or Eira could say anything Charlie's voice called from the stairs "Renee...? What are you doing here?" Renee forced the smile back on her face and whirled around to face Charlie "Charlie! Baby, I'm here to sort this mess out of course!" Renee then shay shayed over to the bottom of the stairs where Charlie stood looking confused "If what you mean by 'sort this mess out' that you're here to take Bella then she's upstairs in the second door to the left refusing to pack her bags" Charlie said in a slightly bland tone.

Renee scowled "Bella's not going anywhere Charlie, she's your daughter and this is her home!" Charlie glared at Renee and said "We did a DNA test Renee. Bella's not mine, and since she's been here she's harassed my wife and assaulted daughters. Either she leaves now with you, or she can go to juvie" Renee suddenly let out a screech mimicking a pterodactyl and stomped her foot like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"She is your daughter Charlie! That whore and her failed abortions are lying to you and manipulating you! Why can't you see that they're trying to tear our family apart?!" Renee yelled out, making Charlie's eyes harden and his jaw tighten. Charlie suddenly turned to Cora and said "Cora, please take the girls to the store. Renee and I need to discuss somethings" Cora nodded and immediately gathered the girls up and into the car and they sped away from the very angry Swan patriarch. Charlie turned back to Renee revealing his eyes full of disgust and hatred startling her.

Charlie was no longer Renee's puppet, and she was in for a rude awakening....

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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